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Magister - 2012-11-13
In response to Re: Power struggle and power structure (Dragonized)

Much of What you describe is not in my opinion criticisms that can be leveled purely at the Chinese and Chinese society. They are weaknesses within all current societies and human nature in general. Are the Chinese short sighted? Yes, without a doubt but then so are all people and by definition we are unable to see our own blind spots.

In regards specifics like the environment. Undoubtedly the Chinese need to improve the situation for their and all our sakes. What as teachers we can do is try and educate our students and Chinese friends into how they can begin to make changes for the better in their everyday lives. As westerners we have had the benefit of being educated in environmental protection, many Chinese have not. Yet still we in the west despite our advantages do very little to actually benefit the global environment. We elect politicians who either openly oppose green reforms and /or the very idea of climate change or who just pay lip service to the idea. The majority of westerners know this yet they do nothing. It'd also be interesting to see if you gave an individual from a western country the choice of

A.) being able to buy cheap electronics and clothing
B.) China having strict environmental regulations causing the price of those products to raise 20-30%

I wonder which the majority would choose? That's the problem of the individualistic societies we come from - its not a problem so long as its not happening in your own back garden! Of course as far as the environment is concerned such an approach is doomed to fail as it requires a group mentality working at regional and global levels.

I'd agree about the issue of the family unit in china. It's good that children have contact with their grandparents but their parents should remain the primary care giver. When you consider how quickly china is changing, I find it hard to believe that some older generations are really in a position to raise their children's children to meet the pressures of the new world that they are being born into or at least not in a modern, progressive way. This situation also robs the parents of the proper experience to know how to raise their children. People aren't born as good parents they need to learn.

The Chinese idea of marriage, having children, preference for male children,etc. is a blight on their society. It'll be interesting to see in 40years time when this generation of graduates are becoming grandparents if such ideas persist. I'd suggest that current improvements to the economic situation in china will help bring about changes in this thinking just as they did in western society i.e. women gaining financial independence will ensure that concepts of marriage modernize.

Life is about more than money and physical things but the fact that most Chinese now have the basic necessities to live must make them happier than the 100's of millions in other parts of the world who don't have access to sufficient water, food, clothing and shelter. I'd guess that you've never lived in sub-Saharan Africa and seen the misery that lack of the above, along with war, disease and absolute poverty can cause.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Power struggle and power structure -- Magister -- 2012-11-09
Re: Power struggle and power structure -- Dragonized -- 2012-11-10
Re: Power struggle and power structure -- Magister -- 2012-11-11
Re: Power struggle and power structure -- Dragonized -- 2012-11-11
Re: Power struggle and power structure -- Magister -- 2012-11-13
Re: Power struggle and power structure -- San Migs -- 2012-11-12
Re: Power struggle and power structure -- juanisaac -- 2012-11-13
Re: Power struggle and power structure -- I agree -- 2012-11-11
Re: Power struggle and power structure -- San Migs -- 2012-11-11
Re: Power struggle and power structure -- San Migs -- 2012-11-10
Re: Power struggle and power structure; more on Confucianism -- Dragonized -- 2012-11-10
Re: Power struggle and power structure; more on Confucianism -- San Migs -- 2012-11-10
Re: Power struggle and power structure -- Flora -- 2012-11-10
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