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Janice Hamick - 2005-06-21

Hi guys, I have restrained myself from adding my two cents on Yang En, not for any particular reason, but just because I wanted to finish my contract quietly and get the hell out of here. But now they've gone too far. According to our contracts, we are supposed to be paid for X amount of salary, paid in 10 installments of equal amounts. June will be the last payment, but oh no, June's salary will be less than previous months. Why? Because classes ended last week, so we should only be paid half our salary. And those of us who taught the graduating students will be deducted even more, because the graduating students finished classes the first week of June.
I will update later on whether they come through on our airfare payment.

Janice Hamick
Springfield, Illinois, USA

Messages In This Thread
Yang-En university's a cheat - ESL discussion -- Janice Hamick -- 2005-06-21
Problems? Where? - Teachers Discussion -- Frank Valoczy -- 2007-06-04
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