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Samantha - 2005-06-21

I as a FILIPINA my self have read this e-mail as a discrmination. I have lived in the PHILIPPINEs for almost all my life. But reading this letter fro "THE WHITGUY" can go ahead and bury his head in DIRT because he made us look like we are nothing but dirt in this world. Us FILIPINOS have done so much for everybody around this world. Even though we ADORE japanese/chines animations dont say that WE ACT, SPEAK, TAKE THIER CULTURE away form them because its not true.
According to "THE WHITEGUY" us filipinas have a tendency to become prostitutes. MAYBE its because we need to support, live, and take care of our loved ones. it the way of lliving. You see ALOT of PROSTITUES here in NORTH AMERICA and i dont see you discriminating them.
So the INFAMOUSE WHITE guy i want you to do me a BIG FAVOR, know your facts and your knowledge befor you START BASHING THE FILIPINO RACE....

Messages In This Thread
FILIPINO RESPECT - ESL discussion -- Samantha -- 2005-06-21
Filipinos are great - ESL discussion -- RhenoThai -- 2005-06-22
yeah... thats great... - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-06-27
Teachers - ESL discussion -- Alvin Reyco -- 2005-07-14
Let me get her to call you up - ESL discussion -- RhenoThai -- 2005-06-27
ok. deal - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-06-28
It's a deal - ESL discussion -- RhenoThai -- 2005-06-29
Mic - ESL discussion -- Dan -- 2005-07-02
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