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ASTF - 2013-01-02
In response to Re: No, not quite the bottom (Dragonized)

Obviously you really enjoyed that high school sociology class you took , I did too! I remember talking about the bystander effect and diffusion of responsibility. However, do you think that I can take the Kitty Genovese case and make the assumption that because of that all Americans are morally inferior to any other race on the planet? And what if I do give you examples of moral behavior that I have observed Chinese engaged in? All that would prove is that at a certain point in time an individual or group of individuals acted in way that we could deem as morally correct it wouldn't mean that all Chinese act in a moral way all the time just as it doesn't mean that all Americans act in an immoral way all the time just because 38 of them decided to watch a girl get stabbed to death and raped. As I said, morality cannot be viewed in such black and white terms and you will never be able to find a single act or piece of evidence that can support your idea that the Chinese are on a lower moral plain than the rest of us.

I have always stated that the chinese are no better than others

No, You have backed yourself into a corner and now you're trying to riggle free. In other posts you have claimed that the Chinese are a lower quality of person and not equal to that of a westerner. You have made these claims and used at best weak arguments to back them up.

You like the "kevin" and "mancunian" poster hear what you want to hear and make life worse for yourselves

That's funny because I think if you actually read what we've written then you'll see that we're the ones who are saying that by in large we live a fairly happy life. You are the one complaining about the harsh realities of your own personal winter of discontent while at the same time raining down hate on another nationality you claim as being inferior.

if I was a forward thinking Chinese individual who wanted something better for china, you wouldn't care to interact with me

Oh so the Chinese aren't all backward thinking, money grabbing little old lady tippers! I interact with forward thinking Chinese on a day to day basis, it's my job to do so! What makes the interaction with such people that much easier for me is that I'm not starting from the assumption that the person I'm talking to isn't as good as I am, something which you clearly couldn't do. You criticize the Chinese for thinking they are better than everyone and yet in clear black and white you have said how you feel westerners are superior.

You need to prove how secure you are by personally attacking someone whom you don't know

And it seems you need to prove how secure you are by attacking an entire nation of people from behind the comfort of your keyboard.

What difference does it make as to who I am? I don't see a personal profile of you on this site anywhere! The only thing that you need know about me is that I despise the way you and anyone like you thinks in such narrow minded ways about other human beings.

Messages In This Thread
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- ASTF -- 2013-01-01
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-01
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- ASTF -- 2013-01-02
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-02
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- ASTF -- 2013-01-02
Re: Congratulations on being Chinese...well not quite -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-03
Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- ASTF -- 2013-01-03
Re: Win-Win in China?? Ha! -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-03
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- San Migs -- 2013-01-03
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- ASTF -- 2013-01-04
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- San Migs -- 2013-01-04
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-05
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- San Migs -- 2013-01-05
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- ASTF -- 2013-01-04
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- The Exposer -- 2013-01-07
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- Dragonized -- 2013-02-14
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- San Migs -- 2013-01-07
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- Mighty Sword Ole 69 -- 2013-01-22
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- Mancunian -- 2013-01-07
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-07
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-07
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- ASTF -- 2013-01-11
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-11
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- Mancunian -- 2013-01-07
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- Mancunian -- 2013-01-02
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