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ASTF - 2013-01-03
In response to Re: No, not quite the bottom (Dragonized)

Your personal experience while valid to a point can not be used to draw conclusions about all Chinese people, in any place at anytime. I'm going to make an educated guess that their have been visitors from foreign lands to America who might have got food poisoning in the local burger shop, got mugged on the subway or been abused by a gang of rednecks. If they were on this site crying about how awful the Americans are, how they are all dirty, violent hillbillies who are not fit to tie their shoes I'd imagine you'd feel justified in saying "hang on a minute, that's not right" and I would heartily support you.

Furthermore, I have seen no example from you of bad behavior that you could say is limited only to the Chinese. You talk about things like 'prying into other people's lives'. Are you seriously suggesting that in any office in the west that there wouldn't be some piece of gossip flying around the break room at 11am about who is diddling who? Look at the phone tapping scandal in the UK of late. Do you know why the tabloids tap celebs phones? Because we, the western public, love prying into the lives of others, We have entire industries dedicated to doing so!
I am not arguing that the things that happened to you weren't bad. If they had happened to me I'd be pretty peeved too but I wouldn't make the unfortunate mistake of transferring this anger towards every person who I perceive to be associated with those who have done me wrong. You can use big fancy moral words like compassion and empathy all you want but from your own perspective which you continue to make very clear to all and sundry it is hard to see how in your hate filled state you would be able to demonstrate them either.

I know for a fact that a majority of Chinese think like this as well

How? How do you know? I wouldn't be so foolish as to make such a brazen statement about my own country, my own city, my own street or even those close to me let alone an alien culture which includes over a billion people. What a stupid thing to say!

You would be surprised at how many ethnic Chinese people who have immigrated to other countries do not think about China on such favorable terms.

Again, you can wriggle all you want but there is a difference between describing a country even your own country in 'unfavorable terms' and of making statements that suggest the people of that country are of a lower quality. I guess that these Chinese people living in the states didn't come up to you and start the conversation by saying "excuse me mr. Dragonized, I'm sorry to bother you, what with me being a lower quality individual and all but I just wanted to say thank you because I don't know what me or my fellow countrymen would have done without the shining light that is the western world". I'm British(there you go, you wanted to know something about me) and speaking in unfavorable terms about our own country is a national past time for us but I heartily invite you to stroll into a British pub find a nice looking Englishman and tell him "I think you're of lower quality than me" and see what the reaction will be. he's not going to buy you a drink!
Messages In This Thread
Re: Teaching English with your husband and baby? -- Mancunian -- 2012-12-29
Re: That makes everyone equal?! REALLY? -- Dragonized -- 2012-12-29
No, not quite the bottom -- ASTF -- 2012-12-30
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- Dragonized -- 2012-12-31
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- ASTF -- 2013-01-01
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-01
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- Dragonized -- 2012-12-31
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- ASTF -- 2013-01-01
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- San Migs -- 2013-01-01
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- ASTF -- 2013-01-02
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- San Migs -- 2013-01-02
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- ASTF -- 2013-01-03
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-01
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- ASTF -- 2013-01-02
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-01
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- ASTF -- 2013-01-02
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-02
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- ASTF -- 2013-01-03
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-03
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- ASTF -- 2013-01-03
Re: Good idea -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-03
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- ASTF -- 2013-01-02
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- foxy -- 2013-01-01
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- Kev -- 2013-01-01
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-01
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- ASTF -- 2013-01-02
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- San Migs -- 2013-01-01
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- San Migs -- 2013-01-01
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- ASTF -- 2013-01-01
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- San Migs -- 2013-01-02
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- ASTF -- 2013-01-03
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- ASTF -- 2013-01-01
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- Mancunian -- 2012-12-31
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- EFsucksdick -- 2012-12-31
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- ASTF -- 2013-01-01
Re: That makes everyone equal?! REALLY? -- Mancunian -- 2012-12-29
Re: That makes everyone equal?! REALLY? -- Dragonized -- 2012-12-30
Re: That makes everyone equal?! REALLY? -- Mancunian -- 2012-12-30
Re: That makes everyone equal?! REALLY? -- Dragonized -- 2012-12-30
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