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Mic - 2005-06-25

I know what you mean, that is right, we don't say "hello" to strangers, although many Chinese people believe it is common for us to do so.

Rather, what I was trying to say in that there is not a cheerful and friendly attitude among foreigners whom don't know each other. (Yes, I suppose in a village with only two foreigners in it, they would be thrilled to see each other.) But, I mean in your average Chinese city like Dalian, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Xian.....etc.......

Most foreigners have a discontent feeling for each other(in China if they don't know each-other) like "oh great, another foreigner here to take advantage of this developing country", countless times I have walked by foreigners and seen others just have this "unhappy to see you feeling" or "what is this person doing in China". But, then again I sometimes do the same, like I saw a foreigner who was dressed all "skater-punk" with the spiky earrings and spiked hair, so of course, I gave him a look like "what is this guy doing in China" , couldn't he have left this spiky-punk silliness back home.

I think in a European country like Slovakia or Hungary, an American or Englishman would be thrilled to see each other, but in China it is like they disgust each other.

Messages In This Thread
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RE: Western ladies in China - ESL discussion -- jinchafa -- 2005-06-24
agreed. - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-06-25
agreed - ESL discussion -- cha yin zhe -- 2005-06-28
Get a life - ESL discussion -- visitor -- 2005-06-29
Get a life - ESL discussion -- cha yin zhe -- 2005-07-01
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kind of... - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-06-25
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Western Ladies - ESL discussion -- The Joker -- 2005-06-28
Westerners in China - ESL discussion -- The Joker -- 2005-06-26
no way.... - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-06-27
western women - Teachers discussion -- Guest -- 2006-04-24
I agree, yet I disagree as well - Teachers Discussion -- Sarah -- 2006-05-06
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