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Ferdinand - 2005-06-28

So much talk about these bar codes in a passport (Mic & Rheno),it's really no problem getting it done if you are that desperate in having it faked.All it does is to make your passport a "machine readable passport" at the port of exit/entry of your country of departure and destination.

I am not a pro-fake passport usage anyway and I don't think teaching is for me either,the codes are functions of simple data like your date of birth,sex,name,country etc.There is no magic behind it,it's all calculations based on the aforementioned.

Talking about non-native EFL tutors,I think it's more pronounced in Asia and it also goes with your colour.In the US,a melting point of races,you can see all human colours available on earth teaching or working,the more reason a country like that is leading in all spheres of life.If you are a graduate of a language genuinely,your country of origin shouldn't make you unfit to be that language teacher or does it means non-natives taught by native speakers can't qualify to be a teacher of the language learnt?

Guess must vary from one country to another but can't be less than a prison term,therefore BEWARE,be your self as you are as BIG as you FEEL! Opportunities abound near you. :b

Messages In This Thread
non native EFL-teacher? - ESL discussion -- lily -- 2005-05-31
doesn't matter - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-06-01
Professor of English?..bored to sobs - ESL discussion -- Doc -- 2005-06-03
what's the difference... - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-06-04
the difference.. - ESL discussion -- Doc -- 2005-06-18
ARE YOU ADVISING SOMEONE TO GET A FAKE PASSPORT? - ESL discussion -- RhenoThai -- 2005-06-01
well...no - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-06-02
I'm glad you got the info from her....I didn't - ESL discussion -- RhenoThai -- 2005-06-03
no one ever said.... - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-06-03
Tell me another one - ESL discussion -- RhenoThai -- 2005-06-04
How can i get this fake passport. - ESL discussion -- Jamila -- 2005-06-08
The "bar code" issue - ESL discussion -- Ferdinand -- 2005-06-28
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