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Teacherman - 2013-02-25

Hi folks.
I have been investigating these two companies for the last two years, and I can tell you ALL, stay well clear of them.
1) The owner has a mining company that is deep in debt, approx. somewhere between 3 and 8 million rmb.
2) He uses Boao Tong Wen International Culture Exchange Centre and its subsidiary company, Zhuo Wen International Cultural Exchange, which are all proven l financial disasters, as a means of repaying his mining debt.
3) He always has trouble transferring funds from his personal and his mining account to the companies so that they can pay the teachers.
Now I know that the staff have been asked to pay head office so the teachers can get paid. How’s that for bad financial control. In fact the finance officer for these companies is not able to carry out that function, I have seen 15 year olds working spread sheets that would leave this so called Finance officer in the dust.
I also know that there are people in those companies that are owed thousands of RMB in unpaid wages and unpaid bonus's.

They also ask current teachers to recommend their friends to come to them, on the promise of a bonus, which will not be paid if the teacher absconds, pre end of contract, and I also know that having sent teachers from Denmark that they have not been paid their bonuses as well.

The teachers in these 2 companies are NOT looked after; their care and concerns are never upheld. They will recruit any one on the promise of getting them a TEFL certificate, after 1 weeks lesson HA HA HA. No one can be a qualified TEFLer in one week. And they make you pay for it.

The contract that the teachers sign is not worth the paper it’s written on, and has no legal substance.
Neither of these two "Cultural exchange companies” are authorized to import Teachers, hence the name "Cultural Exchange".
These companies were offered assistance and development to rectify their problems, and all help was never thanked nor paid for.
They steal intellectual property and post it as their own.

Oh Dear, if only I had a friend in the Chinese legal department. But alas I am hoping that this article, and others I have and will continue to post, will eventually remove these two companies from anyone's list of agencies.
There is a thread further down in this article that says, and rightly so, that one complaint doesn't cut the mustard, so to speak. May I ensure you that all in this article is true and somehow, these two companies MUST be removed from the Chinese Education Bureau.

I can tell you all, that having personally seen teachers fighting on the phone with them and threatening to stop teaching if they did not pay them, and every pay day trying to get the miserable money that these companies offer, it's enough to bring tears to your eyes. Also I know that having to get the schools involved in the heated conversations between the Main Company office and the school, on behalf of the teacher, is a frustrating monthly occurrence.
To think that all the teachers in these companies are here on a fragile life line of, no support, no care and "Now that you’re in a school, we do not care" is a pathetic statement for these companies.

My research has revealed that the Main Office will spend all the income on itself and NOT pay the staff. Some of the staff have not been paid for months.
It is also widely known that these companies, while promising you everything, will send you to schools that have absolutely nothing in common with your desires.
The books that they use to get money from the schools... Ahh there is a sore point, these books are cheap, glossy, bad publications with no teaching guides not plan, no thought and thousands of mistakes in spelling and grammar and wrong pictures with wrong explanations.
These books are for 10 to 12 and up to 17 year old students, there is racial content swearing content, and you know what? They have the audacity to charge the schools a premium price for these $2.00 glossy paperbacks.

The teachers from the company have complained and complained, there was a small effort to fix all the problems but after the “Qualified English Person” corrected the books, a Chinese Know it all, decided to re rectify the books, so you can imagine the problems.
As a result, the books for last semester arrived 6 weeks late, and with holidays and teachers day and sports days and the list goes on, the main office kicked up a stink that the books were not being finished by the end of the semester. I know that the teachers only use the books a guide, because they are worthless instruments for teaching English. These Offices have no time management or project control; they have no funds to support the teachers.

Do yourselves a favor.. FORGET THESE TWO COMPANIES. In fact the situation is so bad that one Chinese manager whilst still working for them, has started his own, so far illegal teacher company. How do I know, because he was asking for Y3000.000:00 RMB to pay off his bank loan, he has no business plan and no means of paying the teachers, he is using other company’s books as teaching material. It is another disaster waiting to happen.
Yes I could go on. But if ANY ONE, anyone at all, has any influence in the Chinese Education Circles, schools or Government, please do what you can to get these two companies banned.
We need to RESCUE the teachers. ASAP.

Messages In This Thread
Re China: Reputable Organisation? ZhuoWen Int. Culture Exchange -- Foxy -- 2011-06-30
Re: Re China: Reputable Organisation? ZhuoWen Int. Culture Exchange -- Teacherman -- 2013-02-27
Re: Re China: Reputable Organisation? ZhuoWen Int. Culture Exchange -- Dragonized -- 2013-02-28
Re: Re China: Boao Tong Wen International Culture Exchange and ZhuoWen Int. Culture Exchange -- Teacherman -- 2013-02-25
Re: Re China: Reputable Organisation? ZhuoWen Int. Culture Exchange -- brad61 -- 2012-07-27
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