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Dragonized - 2013-02-28

every body who complains about China or the Chinese gets the full unquestioned support of the Sniggering Hyenas.

You only support the complaining once in a blue moon, don't you remember?

I mean, when was the last time Dragonised told a China grumbler that he was out of order in his critisicism?

I have told many China grumblers about how out of order they are. China grumblers to me at least are the folks who want to come on here and label others who try and give a moderate view of China as "hating China" and "hating the chinese" when I am only reporting on a specific situation which happened at a specific place in a specific geographical location. Now, besides the fact that you spelled criticism wrong, there are many other things that lead to my seemingly more extreme view on China. If I say how one or two people are hard to communicate with, only to see some anonymous posters come all up in arms towards me and tell me to get out of China or how low of a character I have and how it's all my fault, then I can only conclude that these folks are in the extreme in their own minds. Over time, I see a pattern of these folks, not only on various discussion boards but also in my treks all over China whether it be at backwater areas or in more developed areas hold these extreme ideals as virtuous. This only justifies more abuse of teachers, much like how you've been abusing your privilege of posting on here by making groundless attacks on me. One of the MOST telling signs of these abusers is the attempt to dehumanize those who dare criticize China. "China bashers", "haters", "racists", "bigots", and other misnomers were common words applied to me, so I and some other posters countered with a term originated by Foxy on this board called "grovelling weasels". I do not have a problem dealing with people who want to see me as the enemy in a like minded fashion. The fact that the more I speak with people such as you, the more extreme I have to sound just to get small points across really says something.

When you first posted under Mancunian, I and other posters gave you the courtesy of disagreeing but still not throwing insults in your direction. You have taken this kindness as weakness and think we are carcasses to pick on, as true to your nature as it can be, eh? I didn't respond to some of your earlier posts because I felt ignorance shouldn't be acknowledged, but now that you have decided to try and bring down the integrity of this discussion board by mislabeling everyone who disagrees with your agenda. You seem to have a knack for making problems bigger.

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