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cha yin zhe - 2005-06-29

Whats a hassle Paul? Going through the proper channels and correct procedures should never be considered a hassle for anyone qualified and interested in carrying out their work in another country.
It seems that you want to join the many backpackers in coming to China for the adventure and free ride! It is, of course, your choice and if companies are willing to employ you then so be it. OK, now to answer your query:

Officially in order to come to China and take up permanent employment you will need a Z visa issued outside of China

The wonderful thing about doing that is you will know for sure that you employer is in fact able to offer you a job legally.

Many employers ask the new employees to come to China on an L visa and tell them that they will arrange the necessary documentation when they arrive. This is at times true but at other times they are unable to get the required documents and the employee works illegally. These unscrupulous employers tend to treat their employees in a less than professional manner and therefore should be avoided. Remember its your responsibility to make sure youre working legally so push your employer for the legal documents.

When you arrive on the Z visa, or even if not, your employer should arrange the FEC (Foreign Experts Certificate) and RPF (Residence Permit for Foreigners) within 30 days and if not pursue the matter vigorously.

So, yes you can come to China and yes you can seek employment and yes you may be able to get legal documentation after arrival but dont count on it. There are countless horror stories and complaints to be read detailing the problems people have had so be prepared.

Messages In This Thread
Can I get work permit once inside China? - ESL discussion -- paul -- 2005-06-29
Hard to do. - ESL discussion -- Dos -- 2005-06-30
listen -- Mic -- 2005-06-29
Can I get work permit once inside China? - ESL discussion -- cha yin zhe -- 2005-06-29
many thanks cha yin zhe - ESL discussion -- paul -- 2005-07-03
work permits - ESL discussion -- geography expert -- 2005-06-29
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