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Alternate - 2013-03-18

Hi how goes it? I understand you do not want tempers to flare up or for arguments to break out for it can lead to distractions and create unnecessary strife. I was merely viewing my support for the San Migs poster for standing up for beliefs that I find common ground in, after all isn't that what we are here for? I have read the Mancunian poster's comments for quite a while now and I will be honest, I do not like his views. But that doesn't mean I cannot make my own ground known to everyone including this poster. I do think from reading that he believes he is more intelligent than the other posters who speak more bad than good about living in China, and it shows from the way he talks. For him to group together such a large diaspora of foreign teachers together as being worthy of only his detrimental lectures and sarcastic spiting, well who is he? After all, he did say himself in an earlier post that he possessed merely average intelligence. Thus if he believes teachers to be beneath his own abilities then one can only feel as if they are being treated like they are semi-retarded, and how is that supposed to convince posters who disagree to change their minds?

I thought after all if we are to disagree we should use more logic, evidence, and reason to find common ground. What he as well as another poster called astf did was use intimidation and insults to shout down the other posters. I was once someone who thought working in a foreign country could mean making myself and the people around me become better through mutual uplifting. Alas, enough encounters with real folks such as the one whom you're telling me to not argue with changed my mind about some places.

I do mean well when I say this because I know you are a long time poster, but the "mancunian" poster may be merely using you to further his own agendas. Even he knows to not make too many enemies at once, and he can see that as long as he is on your good side he is allowed to post his grovelling weaselism on this board. First time posters who want to state their own experiences will not be given encouragement with the snide, groundless accusations of being inaccurate. If all the bad news about working in the ESL industry in China ceased to be posted on this board, then what good would that do for your views? Just my 2 cents. Have a good one.

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Re: re: visas? -- Alternate -- 2013-03-18
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