Beelzebub - 2013-03-31

Even if it took you 40 years or more to learn reading and writing your own name, it would be that simple to see the mediocrity or even far lower levels in Chinese academic standards.
The most obvious sign is what they regard as "English" while in fact it is Chinglish.

Some years ago, we could read quite some funny posts on this board - they were English "translations" (from Chinese) of Western teachers bios put on a site of a crappy training centre. One of these "translations" said that teacher X was from Australia in Perth...LOL

In Chinese grammar, the larger entity precedes the smaller entity - year before month and month before day of a month like country preceding a city of that country. The "translators" were so stupid to follow the Chinese order in the text or they just had a machine-based "translation". They were also other things in those texts that were quite funny, and we had a good time and a good big laugh...

As I said - mediocrity or even less than that...hahaha

A very measured response, Turnoi-it's difficult to be cross with you-you are a thinking man. Have a good Easter Sunday, a happy one.

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Re: F Visa -- Beelzebub -- 2013-03-31

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