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Barbara - 2013-04-07

I am afraid to mention employer, since they are very powerful.

I am in China, and yes, I downed money and will have to do it again as my lease will expire. This time it will be more, as it will be round trip ticket plus settling in again. My visa for some reason is on yearly basis,(Foreign Expert) which expires soon. The contract is two year though. I am half way. Yes, I have received some many threats that they do not want to keep me, whci that over 6000 USD will be lost. Plus, front money for annual lease and paying anothet ticket home again. My expense last year was little over seven thousand US dollars, settling allowance, airline money, visa costs, hotel, medical exam. This took me months to make up for if you add the living expenses.
Not that I want a pity-party, but I have been bullied too. My health has been affected terribly because of this too. The constant fault-finding nick-picking over trivial matters, teh exclusions, e.t.c. (See Bullyonline) I shake each day going to work not knowing what else will come out their mouths. Plus, this has hirt me finacially too. A lot of hard savings spent in such a short time. If

Iam to do another lease, that will be approx. $13,000 spent to work her in less than 12 months.

I noticed that there is a thread on Breach of Contracts! I am incliend to to tell them that I am not returning in August, but this blacklisting thing scares me. I feel that I have been emotionally extorted as well as financially.

Messages In This Thread
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts? -- Barbara -- 2013-04-07
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts? -- Beelzebub -- 2013-04-07
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts? -- Mikek -- 2013-04-07
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts? -- Barbara -- 2013-04-07
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