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MikeK - 2013-04-09

"Apocalypse Now TEFL School"

Kim Jong-un studied English there, but apparently he did quite well and can master Koringlish (Korean English) perfectly. After all, it's a perfect pretend "school"...hahahaha

The "Perfect Pretend School" is accredited by the "Apocalypse Now TEFL School".

I am exclusively reveal that both "TEFL schools" have been infiltrating the ESL market with eager faced prancing young TEFLers for many years now. Their foot-soldiers have been trained to live in sub standard accommodation, exist on the most basic of salarys possible, accept gleefully a minimum of 25 teaching hours a week with unpaid preparation, get strange and embarrassing tattoos and each TEFLer must consume his/her weight in alcohol every night........

Be afraid... be very afraid... They could be watching right now.

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Re: North Korea -- MikeK -- 2013-04-09
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