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John O'Shei - 2013-04-16

Very well said, Silverboy. I always remember a friend telling his boss that student feedback meant diddly squat as being popular does not necessarily make a good teacher. Hell, a lot of students even liked him actually, but being a teacher with a real educational background, he didn't sell out to the ways of some other teachers, he actually wanted to educate people.

As for the original poster:

First of all, I can say is that most of us expect to be treated well (or at least fairly), we don't feel the need to shout from the rooftops if our job doesn't suck, it is only our job, that's all. We don't expect it to not be the very best thing in the world, but it pays the bills. However, if we feel that we have been treated unjustly, we do feel a great need to warn others to stay away and avoid becoming the next victim. It is just basic human nature, a lot of teachers are quite emphatic people who can actually sympathise with those that suffer in the industry.

Also, if a job really was so great, would you really want to try to recruit somebody who could potentially replace you? I doubt it, hence why post a review that effectively advertises your position? Schools only have limited resources to employ certain amounts of teachers. Yes, there are some idiotic naive teachers that think a year in China or Thailand is just a holiday, but even those fools don't tend to feel the great urge to post a review tripadvisor style, it's just an employer and that is all it is. They are more likely to talk about newly made friends and the fun stuff that they got up to during their gap year, not their actual job.

Finally, most teachers on here are either native speakers or otherwise very, very competent users of the English language. We can smell an advertisement a mile away. You don't even need to use pure Chinglish, we will still catch you out and have an absolute field day laughing at your expense. Schools have posted fake positive reviews and had this strategy backfire on them in the worst way possible.

For crying out loud, I used to produce English language marketing materials in some of my old jobs... I kind of know how to sell something and can work out when you are trying to sell me something. Some of you fools don't even know how to market your crap schools correctly as you aren't even trying to sell your product (a polite word for bs) to your intended audience. Or are you? I get the impression that some schools are actually avoiding recruiting experienced and well trained teachers are they are just far too difficult to manage (a polite word for 'taking advantage of').

Anyway, this post might be over, but the matter is not. I am getting really tempted to look into ways that certain employers market themselves now.

Messages In This Thread
Re: ESL Forums – should they be taken seriously? -- John O'Shei -- 2013-04-16
Re: ESL Forums – should they be taken seriously? -- Mancunian Beelzebub -- 2013-04-16
Re: ESL Forums – should they be taken seriously? -- John O'Shei -- 2013-04-17
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