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Beelzebub - 2013-05-15

If retired FT's want to retire to China, the advice is from British banks is to open up an International account so you can withdraw your pension using a debit card. If FT is already in China he should return home to open up that account. Here is a Lloyds TSB checklist.

Lloyds TSB Internationa

Inform your current tax authorities of your plans to retire abroad. Tax forms for UK residents leaving the country.

If you are going to rent out your UK property while abroad, inform your insurance provider (and mortgage provider if applicable).

Open an international bank account.

Find out about the tax and social security system in the country you're going to.

Find out your current pension entitlements.

Get advice on the legal status of your will in the country you're going to.

Find out if you need to take out medical, personal injury or other insurance in the country you're retiring to: in some countries you have to be resident for a certain period before being entitled to free national healthcare.

You can keep your savings in an International Savings Account — these offer good rates of interest and security for UK expatriates.


Messages In This Thread
British banks International accounts, a must for pensioners. -- Beelzebub -- 2013-05-15
Re: British banks International accounts, a must for pensioners. -- MikeK -- 2013-05-16
Re: British banks International accounts, a must for pensioners. -- Beelzebub -- 2013-05-16
Re: British banks International accounts, a must for pensioners. -- Les Battersby -- 2013-05-16
Re: British banks International accounts, a must for pensioners. -- Beelzebub -- 2013-05-16
Re: British banks International accounts, a must for pensioners. -- Collyhurst retired sewage worker -- 2013-05-22
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