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Beelzebub - 2013-05-18
In response to Re: Rat meat sold for lamb meet...LOL (John O'Shei)

I would argue that you are trying the wrong ales and did not go to a pub that looks after their beer properly. This actually a reason why a friend of mine tends to prefer to drink continental lager - consistency. He will drink British ales at home and pour from the bottle though. That removes the unpredictability aspect of it all. As for me, I often prefer to drink Belgian Trappist ales these days, but they are heavy in alcohol content and heavy on the wallet, so I must enjoy them as a rare special treat.

Too many people go to the U.K, go to a crap pub and get put off for life. There's also a wide range of taste profiles, so if you don't like one ale, try a different one. Many British pubs allow you to taste the ales in small glasses before you get a pint these days. You might be best served by going to a proper beer festival and the brewers are there to ensure that the beer is in top nick and you can educate your taste buds at your own pace. Unless too many people turn up and all of the best beers start selling out quickly.

I know of one brewer that 'took away' the beer from one student union pub as that establishment didn't store it at the right temperature, replace barrels quick enough etc. They knew that serving a beer incorrectly would damage quality and damage their brand, thus took action by refusing to supply them. A good pub is actually arguably more important than the choice of beer itself, in my opinion.

That was a good post. You do of course have to educate your taste buds to appreciate the taste of real beer and its natural ingredients. You shouldn't have to actually sample a beer to know if it's good, bad or off-you can smell it. Not much for me to add , you said it all with an interesting anecdote.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Rat meat sold for lamb meet...LOL -- John O'Shei -- 2013-05-18
Re: Rat meat sold for lamb meet...LOL -- Beelzebub -- 2013-05-18
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