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Collyhurst retired sewage worker - 2013-05-22

I am a bit worried- does that mean big around the waist? If so you should buy a packet of fags(sure you have some) to help you start slimming.

I do like my guinness and the occasional cold heineken, as well as a penchant for proper food from oop norf like, plenty of pies and packets of crisps. Anyway, a paunch is manly chinese girls seem to love it. You know I am insufferably right on this one. Much to the chagrin of non smokers, those with a paunch seem to be more well built, and can bulk up easily, dui bu dui? And chinese girls seem to like stockier, fatter, older blokes, girth implies wealth, skinny rippers look like gaunt malnourished poverty cases who cannot take care of them, hahaha. That and the fact mobile phone radiation helps to keep you slim,keeps those glands ticking over.

Seeth tight ace!

Messages In This Thread
British banks International accounts, a must for pensioners. -- Beelzebub -- 2013-05-15
Re: British banks International accounts, a must for pensioners. -- MikeK -- 2013-05-16
Re: British banks International accounts, a must for pensioners. -- Beelzebub -- 2013-05-16
Re: British banks International accounts, a must for pensioners. -- Les Battersby -- 2013-05-16
Re: British banks International accounts, a must for pensioners. -- Beelzebub -- 2013-05-16
Re: British banks International accounts, a must for pensioners. -- Collyhurst retired sewage worker -- 2013-05-22
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