View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › What is/isn't acceptable in a EFL job?
Dromeda - 2013-05-27

Hi, new EFL teacher here in China. I've been looking for a job and have gotten a few bites, but I'm not sure if what they're offering is reasonable or not. For example, some of them (Okay, most of them) don't seem to offer any vacation time other than the national ones (and not even most of those- just the big ones). I'm already in China, so the whole airfare/housing thing is a little moot to me, but what else should I be looking for? Some are talking about potentially teaching 6, 7 hours a day- is that reasonable?

Any help or advice you can give to a newbie EFL teacher in China would be greatly appreciated- Thanks in advance!

Messages In This Thread
What is/isn't acceptable in a EFL job? -- Dromeda -- 2013-05-27
Re: What is/isn't acceptable in a EFL job? -- MikeK -- 2013-05-27
Re: What is/isn't acceptable in a EFL job? -- Beelzebub -- 2013-05-27
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › What is/isn't acceptable in a EFL job?

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