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jinchafa - 2005-07-11
In response to I'll be fine, thanks - ESL discussion (RhenoKorean)

Hey man, sounds like you'll be moving on, so I wish you all the luck. In response to what you wrote about there being a small amount of people who log their complaints in this forum, I can only say that my sentiment equals yours. I think this is the perfect place to assess, advise, and warn. I'm sure you've noticed some of my own posts that are generally geared toward warning teachers about the pitfalls of teaching in Asia - more specifically the pitfalls of trusting agents and/or schools without doing some serious research. Actually, I myself have benefited by such warnings about Korea and have believed for a number of years that one must be very cautious about teaching there. Otherwise I may have found myself in the same position as you. Unfortunately, the rest of Asia seems to be learning from Korea about how to use and abuse the foreign teachers. I've hopped around China for a couple years now and won't put up with the slightest deviation from what's promised, be it verbal or written. It's cost me a lot of bucks in terms of loss wages and travel expenses - not to mention getting outright ripped off, but at least when I leave I do so with my own sense of honor intact. Furthermore, I always let them know that their actions are completely without honor. Usually that leaves them without a response and a half smile that tries to ease what I know is their loss of face; however, in the back of their minds they're still counting the bucks and could therefore care less about damaging their honor or their family name. Yeah, welcome to Asia as they join the "world economy." I take some solace though in knowing that the Chinese aren't particular about who they rip off. They love "getting over" on the next guy, be it a foreigner or their fellow countryman. An interesting aside to all that is that my Chinese girlfriend has traveled to most places with me, and she has been shocked and indeed embarassed to see the way I've been cheated. (She's also been deeply concerned about the lack of manners shown by her countrymen that has been demonstrated by people in the travel industry as well as other service industries.) Now it is she telling me to be careful about who I trust, which I take as good advice, but it surprises me at myself because I've always considered myself to be fairly discerning.
Fortunately, I'm working for an honest organization right now. Second time I've worked for them actually. I had to travel to many different places before I realized that they are on the top of the list in terms of follow through and honor. Albeit,I'm aware that English is their business and businesses are pretty ruthless here so I must be careful.
Well anyway, take care Rheno and, again, good luck wherever you land.

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I'll be fine, thanks - ESL discussion -- RhenoKorean -- 2005-07-11
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Hey Rheno - ESL discussion -- jinchafa -- 2005-07-11
Thanks, Jin - ESL discussion -- RhenoKorean -- 2005-07-12
You're right, Ex - ESL discussion -- RhenoKorean -- 2005-07-11
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Let me clarify, BD - ESL discussion -- RhenoKorean -- 2005-07-12
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