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Alvin Reyco - 2005-07-14

> Yeah... thats great... so if Filipino teachers are so great, why are
> there English Language Academies such as in Cebu City that want
> natives from the UK or USA!!!! Why don't they hire a Filipino
> teacher!

> Yes, I admit, the Filipino teachers are good and hardworking. BUT, so
> are the Chinese English language teachers, and they make 15% of what
> I make per month! So if we are going to consider Filipino teachers on
> the same scale as the native English teachers, then shouldn't we do
> the same for English teachers whom speak English very well from
> China, Singapore, India.......etc...... I know some Chinese people
> whom can speak English more fluently than many Filipino teachers, but
> I don't see them teaching spoken English at any high paying
> institutions or complaining on websites about not being able to......

> I don't agree with your opinion on the Filipino accent, I don't think
> it sounds like a New Yorker, maybe a Puerto Rican living in New York,
> but not a native New Yorker. It sounds more like a Mexican-American
> accent of English.

I beg to differ but actually many (or most actually) of the best teachers in the Philippines get to work abroad because Filipinos are actually a favorite since they are hard working and they love their jobs. They especially enjoy what they do and as a result, the maximum output that is possible is produced.

In any given country today (provided that it produces English teachers) there are always very good teachers and also lesser teachers. Do not generalize on just a few cases of teachers that you see. What you are doing is like saying that the whole population of a country are idiots when you actually only saw 3 people goofing around.

Messages In This Thread
FILIPINO RESPECT - ESL discussion -- Samantha -- 2005-06-21
Filipinos are great - ESL discussion -- RhenoThai -- 2005-06-22
yeah... thats great... - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-06-27
Teachers - ESL discussion -- Alvin Reyco -- 2005-07-14
Let me get her to call you up - ESL discussion -- RhenoThai -- 2005-06-27
ok. deal - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-06-28
It's a deal - ESL discussion -- RhenoThai -- 2005-06-29
Mic - ESL discussion -- Dan -- 2005-07-02
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