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Beelzebub - 2013-06-28

When I came here in the beginning, callmefred and his likes were great in name-calling. I have paid these idiots back in like manner, and some time later they turned out to be history on this board forever. Whether they were stupid enough to swim in the Yangzi river and were eaten up by the big fat crocs over there, or whether they were deported from China because of working illegally without any degree or with fake degrees but without valid residence permit for some crappy outfit there, I don't know. But I could not care less. Folks like that do not tend to last long in a decent place or school.

That's interesting-so 'callmefred' was one of your original sparring partners? Maybe all the others have settled down-married Chinese girls- could even be one or two now Dear Departed, and only with you in fond memory. I do feel a bit cut to the quick regarding a hint of contempt for us mock degree holders, but won't hold it against you hahaha.

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Re: On and on and on and on.... - Teachers Discussion -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-28
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