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Dragonized - 2013-06-29
In response to Re: Huizhou University (Anne)

Oh god you are trying way too hard to be negative. It hurts my happy self. I'll just assume you were scammed and couldn't do anything about it, so you took to the internet to vent your frustrations. Sounds similar [] john o sheet, dragonized, ect? Sorry you got scammed, doesn't mean that other people will be as careless as you. It also doesn't mean that everyone is EVIL and out to GET YOU! Really, you guys are pathetic, and I feel bad for anyone who actually reads your whining because you just made them sad over something you don't know to be true.

I know, right? People who can't do anything about the injustice in a country like China should all be disregarded. You also can then disregard most local people's opinions as well. You sure sound like a Loser Pollyanna type. Fitting your pseudonym would be "Anne".

I certainly don't think everyone is out to get me. I do believe there are good people in this world, [edited]. I am happy for the fact that you are angry at me and other posters for daring to speak out. It serves you right to be miserable for something like this. [edited]

If you want to share your experiences, that's fine. But you're not. Not once have I actually seen anything where any of you talk about what happened to you to make you so negative, or feel the way you do. All you write about is what you read before, heard about, or your "general overall consensus" from the "fired teachers anonymous" meetings.

I have stated many of my own personal experiences on this board. I have been posting on here long enough. Not that I have anything to prove to a troll such as you. I do not only "write about" what I've "read before". Some of the things I can tell you will blow your mind due to me having a better grasp of how things work in this world than you ever will. I post because I believe in helping make things better, and you're just another sore nail sticking out that I will hit back down with my proverbial hammer.

Get a job and a boy/girlfriend, and maybe you'll be happier and off this message board like I will be.

Despite working a full time and part time jobs and feeling exhausted at the end of the day, I still post on here. Not posting can make me feel a bit irresponsible like I am leaving something unattended. I do not think the "Anne" poster will be reading this, but certainly the West still provides plenty of losers who think they are legends in their own minds. Working against these people will continue to be a grind, and it won't be easy. But in the end showing how I feel and that is rewarding enough in itself.

Messages In This Thread
Huizhou University -- Greg -- 2013-06-23
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Re: Huizhou College PRETENDING to be a University -- Rush Hour -- 2013-11-13
Re: Huizhou College PRETENDING to be a University -- Legality and Professionalism -- 2013-11-13
Re: Huizhou University -- Regina -- 2013-07-01
Re: Huizhou University -- John O'Shei -- 2013-06-25
Re: Huizhou University -- Greg -- 2013-06-26
"Greg" - pretend native speaker.... -- Explorer -- 2013-06-27
Re: Huizhou University -- John O'Shei -- 2013-06-27
Re: Huizhou University -- Greg -- 2013-06-29
Re: Huizhou University -- MikeK -- 2013-06-27
Re: Huizhou University -- Greg -- 2013-06-27
Re: Huizhou University -- MikeK -- 2013-06-27
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Re: First class, luxury accommodation for foreign professors at Huizhiou University -- MikeK -- 2013-06-27
Re: First class, luxury accommodation for foreign professors at Huizhiou University -- John O'Shei -- 2013-06-27
Re: Huizhou University -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-26
Re: Huizhou University -- Luckily Escaped from Huizhou College -- 2013-11-08
Re: Huizhou University -- Dragonized -- 2013-11-12
Re: Huizhou University -- Bored -- 2013-11-12
Re: Huizhou University -- Legality and Professionalism -- 2013-11-12
Re: Huizhou University -- Dragonized -- 2013-11-12
Re: Huizhou University -- Bored -- 2013-11-12
Re: Huizhou University -- John O'Shei -- 2013-11-12
Re: Huizhou University -- Dragonized -- 2013-11-12
Re: P.P.S. -- Dragonized -- 2013-11-12
Re: P.P.S. -- Bored -- 2013-11-12
Re: P.P.S. -- Dragonized -- 2013-11-12
Re: Huizhou University -- Dragonized -- 2013-11-12
Re: Huizhou University -- Legality and Professionalism -- 2013-11-12
Re: Hahaha your point being...? -- Dragonized -- 2013-11-12
Re: Huizhou University -- Dragonized -- 2013-11-12
Re: Huizhou University -- John O'Shei -- 2013-11-08
Re: Huizhou University -- Dragonized -- 2013-06-29
Re: Huizhou University -- MikeK -- 2013-06-27
Re: Huizhou University -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-25
Re: Huizhou University -- Anne -- 2013-06-24
Re: Huizhou University -- MikeK -- 2013-06-24
Re: Huizhou University -- MikeK -- 2013-06-24
Re: Huizhou University -- Dragonized -- 2013-06-26
Re: Huizhou University -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-24
Re: Huizhou University -- John O'Shei -- 2013-06-24
Re: Huizhou University -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-24
Re: Huizhou University -- John O'Shei -- 2013-06-25
Re: Huizhou University -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-25
Re: Huizhou University -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-24
Re: Huizhou University -- Anne -- 2013-06-25
Re: Huizhou University -- MikeK -- 2013-06-26
Re: Huizhou University -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-26
Re: Huizhou University -- Dragonized -- 2013-06-26
Re: Huizhou University -- Anne -- 2013-06-26
Re: An example of a TROLL -- Dragonized -- 2013-06-29
Re: Huizhou University -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-25
Re: Huizhou University -- Dragonized -- 2013-06-26
Re: Huizhou University -- Anne -- 2013-06-26
Re: Huizhou University -- Dragonized -- 2013-06-29
Re: Huizhou University -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-26
Re: Huizhou University -- Dragonized -- 2013-06-29
Re: Huizhou University -- MikeK -- 2013-06-23
Re: Huizhou University -- juanisaac -- 2013-06-25
Re: Huizhou University -- The Crow Calling the Raven Black -- 2013-06-25
Re: Huizhou University -- Greg -- 2013-07-28
Re: Huizhou University -- juanisaac -- 2013-07-29
Re: Huizhou University -- juanisaac -- 2013-06-26
Re: Huizhou University -- MikeK -- 2013-06-26
Re: Huizhou University -- MikeK -- 2013-06-25
Re: Huizhou University -- John O'Shei -- 2013-06-23
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