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fighter - 2013-07-06

I just got out of a contract with this company and needed to hire a lawyer to make the recruiter ("Mary" Yu) release me during the 90 day probationary period guaranteed by Chinese law.

The school they put me in wasn't bad, it was actually quite nice, but the company isn't so much a recruiter as someone who farms you out to schools. I was offered the same contract and it's just not worth it. I now work at an international school making twice what I made with "Mary" Yu.

When I resigned, she sent me e-mails repeatedly making the typical threats of canceling my Residence Permit and Foreign Expert Certificate . In the end, nothing happened because I made sure I had my Foreign Expert Certificate and passport in hand. I hired a junior lawyer for 5,000 RMB to get me my release letter and pay.

And take very care of your passport and your Foreign Expert Certificate. Make sure the two things are in your hands all the time. Do not let worlda hold or steal your Foreign Expert Certificate and your passport. It is your belonging instead of worlda.

If you're in a contract (especially with Worlda) and you want out, look up the name "Joe Rocha III." He's an American lawyer working in Guangzhou. Tell him you want the junior lawyer for 5,000 and everything will work out just fine...

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