View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn
M boss - 2013-07-08
In response to HAMPSON ENGLISH - BEWARE (Pat)

Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn
A foreign teacher who was employed by Hampson English in Beijing, was arrested on June 25 for forcing an 18 year old female student to watch porn and for groping her.
According to the girl’s mother, Mrs. Chen, her daughter had decided to take one-on-one English lessons this summer before she went off to study abroad. Hampson English recommended this particular English teacher because of his experience teaching dozens of students in the past. On June 15, her daughter attended the class in the Wantong Building by Fuchengmen. During the session, the teacher apparently watched a porn video on his computer and groped the girl. The girl immediately stormed out of the classroom and called her parents.
By the time the police arrived at the scene, the teacher had already fled. He was later apprehended however and has been sentenced to seven days in detention while his deportation paper work is being processed.
The Director of HR of Hampson English Ms. Shen, admitted that there are loopholes in the management of foreign teachers. She added that a Chinese teacher was supposed to be present during the one-on-one tutorial but arrived late for work and has since resigned. Moreover, the branch manager has been sacked and another demoted. The school is also currently discussing compensation in the amount of 500,000 RMB with the victim’s family.
Keywords: Hampson teacher arrested Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn

Messages In This Thread
HAMPSON ENGLISH - BEWARE -- Pat -- 2011-03-23
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn -- M boss -- 2013-07-08
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn -- ImTHEguy -- 2013-10-02
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn -- John O'Shei -- 2013-10-02
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- Beleiber4Ever -- 2013-10-02
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn -- I'mTHEguy -- 2013-10-01
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- Ya'llShouldBeAshamedOfUrselves.... -- 2013-10-01
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn -- Dragonized -- 2013-10-02
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn -- John O’Shei -- 2013-10-02
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn -- John O’Shei -- 2013-10-01
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH - BEWARE -- John -- 2012-12-27
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH - BEWARE -- Mancunian -- 2012-12-27
Guangdong-Pei Zheng College Guangzhou -- Kanadian -- 2011-03-24
Re HAMPSON ENGLISH - BEWARE -- Kanadian -- 2011-03-23
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