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MP - 2013-07-12

Hi Dan... and others.

First of all, thank you for your post. I have also read a lot of different comments about this company. I would like to mention that I have worked for them for over a year. I don't intend to write a huge message detailing all the problems and bad situations I've had to cope with. I would like to stress the importance of being able to adapt oneself to another culture and a totally different way of working.

At first, it was very difficult to get used to. I felt so annoyed at some of the girls in the company whose incompetence was sometimes incredible. I however always remained calm and polite. I was known as "cheerful" and always in a good mood. To be honest, I have met so many foreign teachers with a disgusting attitude. Demanding, being harsh and rude with some of those poor girls who - even if not very competent - were trying to do their best, struggling with communication issues and all the stress they had to put up with on their side. There is something some people tend to forget: when you move to a different country with such a different culture, you have to make the efforts - at least at the beginning. I don't mean to excuse some of the inexcusable things I had to put up with, but remember that people-to-people skills are super important.

I arrived in Guangzhou on an early Sunday morning (2am) - my plane having been delayed in Doha... The same morning (8am) I received a call from one of the famous girls asking (or more like ordering) me to come to the office in order to start the paperwork and training process. That was my very first shock. The first school I taught in was located in Huadu... pretty far from Guangzhou considering you have to take the metro to the end of the line, then wait and pray for a bus to come and bring you to the other end of the little town (1.5 hours bus ride, not counting waiting time (sometimes 45 minutes)). I never complained. I did my best and worked my ass off... I developed an awesome relationship with all the staff of every school I ever worked in. The company getting a good feedback, they started to ask me if I was happy with my situation. I explained my frustrations very rationally and politely. Two weeks after, they moved me in a school in the very center of Guangzhou. What a relief. The head of that school was a real witch (notice that I used a "w")... I however went through with it. I was not going to complain after the company had moved me to such a great location. It was difficult to get a smile or even a hello out of the school director, but I made it through till the end of the year.

Unfortunately, there were hardly any jobs for the summer (most teachers go home for a short holiday, but I wanted to stay and keep working). The company apologized to me, and told me the only school they had for me was another one in a neighboring village of Huadu (so incredibly far away). They promised me it would only be for two months. They even arranged for me to have an apartment in the school complex. I was living in the center of Guangzhou with my girlfriend... so I didn't want to relocate. I could complain saying that they screwed me over and forced me to take a job far away (3 hours there, 3 hours back)... but that would be a lie. I'm the one who wanted to keep working during the summer; I'm the one who refused their housing solution... They were even worried I would be too tired with the long commute and wanted to give the job to another teacher. But I refused... I took it, put up with it. They even proposed to pay my cab in case the bus was running dangerously late... As Dan mentioned, Mary is not the devil. She is not your mother either... She can be pretty tough and demanding, but smile, work well and keep a good attitude and she will respect you. After the summer, I got a raise that was much higher than the one they promise teachers who return after 6 satisfying months... They said they like my work and attitude.

I can hear some of you guys: "idiot, you were manipulated... ". I wasn't. I was unhappy about many things. I felt used by the company more than once. But it was my choice to sign their contract, knowing more or less it would be tough. If westerners expect to go to China and teach for the same salary, benefits, conditions as in Europe or the US, they are maybe just not made for developing countries. You have to be ready to be ultra, extra flexible... feel like you are getting nothing in return. It's the experience in the end that counts.

My last six months were the most awesome and wonderful in China. As promised, after the summer, they put me in a high-school... As usual, I started out under their tight scrutiny: someone checking out my classes every week... A videotaped class every two weeks... etc. After 2 months, the school director and head of English came and told me they were very satisfied. They decided to place me in a big, new classroom. The room looked like a cafe: small round tables all around with 4 chairs per table. It was in an old building at the end of the yard. No other classes were held there. Teachers left me alone. I think they only came to check on my classes once after that. And the company came once a month. It was so so awesome. I had such an incredible connection with the students. We did so many interesting activities and the debates that we held were so interesting: especially for me. I have a background in political science and development studies... so being able to listen and share with young Chinese adults about various topics such as Japan, Love, Economics, Green Energy... was awesome. It was fun... very fun. Although there were about 80 students in each class, they were interested and so connected that it was like we were in a small intimate group. Those last 6 months made up for the entire struggle been through. On my last day I received so many cards and letters I was embarrassed. Before that experience, I thought young Chinese people were so different, shy and disconnected from the preoccupations we have in the west. I was just amazed to see how wrong I was.

I don't mean to idealize my time at WorldA. Frankly, it was tough and would I do it again considering all the problems? Maybe not... I don't know. But once you are there, in the situation and facing problems, there's no use in complaining too much. Try and make it work. Be open and sensitive. Explode at times when you need to (you will need to and you will), but try and keep in mind how much you will grow and be enriched by all the great things and all the crap.

If you have a school or a company where you know for sure you will not have to struggle or face any problems, of course I would advise you to choose that one. If not, why not try WorldA? If you're hard working and have good interpersonal skills you're up for the challenge - because a challenge it is!

Ps. for those who would be tempted to start picking at some of my sentences, I would like to underline the fact that I taught French and Spanish during my time there. English was only conversational in that one last high-school. Thanks for your indulgence! :)

Messages In This Thread
Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Dan -- 2013-06-07
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Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- John O'Shei -- 2016-05-31
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- GuangzhouWorldaScam -- 2016-05-31
Re Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Real R.Fakes -- 2016-05-27
Re Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Caring -- 2016-05-27
Re Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- paul fox -- 2016-05-27
Re Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- GuangzhouWorldaScam -- 2016-05-27
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- MP -- 2013-07-12
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- John O'Shei -- 2013-07-13
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Jerry L'épeire -- 2013-07-13
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Beelzebub -- 2013-07-13
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Jerry L'épeire -- 2013-07-14
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Beelzebub -- 2013-07-14
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- John O'Shei -- 2013-07-14
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Beelzebub -- 2013-07-14
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Mixed box -- 2014-04-27
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Mixed box -- 2014-04-27
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Jerry L'épeire -- 2013-07-09
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- MP -- 2013-07-12
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- John O'Shei -- 2013-07-09
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Jerry L'épeire -- 2013-07-11
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- John O'Shei -- 2013-07-11
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Jerry L'épeire -- 2013-07-12
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- John O'Shei -- 2013-07-13
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Jerry L'épeire -- 2013-07-13
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Peter -- 2013-07-05
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- John O'Shei -- 2013-07-05
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Chris -- 2013-07-04
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- John O'Shei -- 2013-07-05
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Jim -- 2013-07-05
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- John O'Shei -- 2013-07-06
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Dragonized -- 2013-06-08
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Dan -- 2013-06-12
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- John O'Shei -- 2013-06-07
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- MikeK -- 2013-06-07
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- John O'Shei -- 2013-06-08
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- MikeK -- 2013-06-08
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Dragonized -- 2013-06-09
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- John O'Shei -- 2013-06-09
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- John O'Shei -- 2013-06-08
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- Collyhurst retired sewer worker -- 2013-06-07
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD -- John O'Shei -- 2013-06-07
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