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Beelzebub - 2013-07-18

Seriously, that is what you got out of what I said? I think you are trolling.

I didn't call people losers because they like to drink a bit. I call people losers when they drink so much, every night, that they end up sleeping through there own classes. There is a difference between people who like to have drinks with friends or for movie nights, and people who can be faithfully relied on to miss their own classes at least once/two weeks and show up to work hung over/drunk a good chunk of the remainder of the time. The latter people are losers, and the kind of losers who could never imagine keeping a job that is not singing 'The Wheels on the Bus' for a bunch of kids who do their real learning at another school. Letting your hair down and having fun is one thing, I enjoy doing that. Boozing so much that there is no facet of your life that is untouched by your party habits makes you a loser.

What's it to you if a teacher sleeps through his classes- maybe the students are happy with that slumberous state of affairs- either way, just get on with your own teaching instead of running down other teachers. There's one thing worse than bad schools in my opinion, and that's FT's concerning themselves with the conduct of other FT's- that's the business of the Chinese bosses. I have seen some really evil bullying of an FT by other FT's ganging up on him- if it's not his drinking habit it's his sloppy dress- Bad form, very bad form indeed. wo shi dui de hai shi dui de?

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