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Dragonized - 2013-07-19

Hey Turnoi. What you have stated is true. Here are some reasons I will put out. From my point of view Systematic Confucianism actually brings a complete breakdown of civil customs and goes against the good side of basic human instincts like sharing, empathizing, compassion, curiosity and creativity. Now we all do not know if that is what Kong Zi himself intended, but certainly this philosophical/quasi-religious construct has many logical holes in its work, and it never evolved for the better in terms of bringing a better quality of life for the general masses of China. The amount of ignorance that has been built up all these thousands of years therefore has made a large crack within the central family group of father, mother, and child. The Chinese child will be raised to know obedience to all who are older. They will also be physically punished for what seems to be unvirtuous behavior but in reality is incompetence in parenting. The parents do not actually teach right from wrong because they do not know what it is themselves, that virtue comes from taking action. This is evident in the lack of ability at establishing in the child's mind courtesy, giving others space, and always asking about things you don't know especially if it entails something that is okay or not okay to do. The lack of consistency with the behaviors of the authority figures leads to neglect of the spirit and depravity ultimately results. While not all of this depravity is brought out all the time, it will show its face from time to time. The only thing that keeps the society from breaking down is that the authority figures are better at controlling their own insanity to a point where they can feign knowledge and therefore appear as power figures. This false knowledge and power comes from the idea of "tradition", "culture", and "being chinese". What you end up having is collective acceptance of barbaric behavior that can only be curtailed by violence and autocracy. Most of those who grew up in western societies know having a peace of mind as something to be taken for granted with the feeling of "good" settled with it. But for those in a system which enables too much ignorance, they cannot bring the good out of their own minds. What replaces this good is essentially hollow structure based on things like "face", "family", "obedience" which must be firmly followed in order to appear to the individual following them to have any appearance and sense of integrity.

Now to be fair, no society has made everyone living within their boundaries perfect people who are content and bring more value to the places they live in than take. There is evil everywhere. But on this topic regarding personal living habits and the relations of these with civility we must say that some places are not equal with others, period. This can take time to change, a long time sometimes. But our own compassion and love for people makes us want to take action in that direction. You certainly do not have to be a part of some political group to do this either. Common sense as taken into action by common people will eventually affect things in all arenas. Any of us can contribute.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province -- Dragonized -- 2013-07-19
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province -- Curious -- 2013-07-19
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