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Dr Mervyn J Edwards - 2013-08-10

Well I thought I had found a really great company to work for here in Beijing, but they turned out to be just like all the others. ABC Education Learning Centre in Beijing is one to stay very clear from. They promise the world and give you nothing, they are nice to your face but stab you in the back the moment you turn around. However if you are a American, African/American or African you will have no problem getting hired. If you are any other nationality that is white then you will be treated like sh*t. Since I started working for them 8 months ago I have seen many good white teachers come and go and I am just another one that has decided to pull the pin on this lying, back stabbing, dishonest training centre. So far in the past 3 weeks I have seen 4 foreign teachers quit and even 3 Chinese teachers quit and receive nothing from them. If you think you will get a release letter from them or any bonus when you quit, leave or finish your contract if you're not an American then best of luck my friends. They are a school to stay well away from unless you're black or an American.

In Heilongjiang a school to stay well away from in this province is Daqing Normal university. They are a very closed minded university so if you're considering taking a teaching position there watch what you say and teach. Two people to be aware of at Daqing Normal university are the Dean of the English department and the head of the foreign language department.

If you're thinking about taking up a teaching position in Yuci Shanxi province then be careful of two universities. One is the teaching college and Jingzhong university. The people to be aware of in these two universities are the Dean in the teaching college and the man in charge of the foreign teachers.

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