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Yingwen Laoshi - 2005-08-04
In response to Racism - ESL discussion (LaCher)


I'm a black mixed race guy from England, who has been teaching English in China for close on three years.

Personally speaking, I've for the most part had nothing but good experiences in China. All of the staff in each of the five schools I've worked in have been welcoming and friendly, and I've enjoyed a good rapport with most of them.

If any of my students have had any prejudices regarding skin colour, I have certainly not got any hint of it, for I've always had a very good rapport with them.

What I've found with Chinese people is that they are one of the most naturally friendly people on the earth. Generally the Chinese take you as they find you, most of them being genuinely interested in foreigners wherever they come from. It's not the colour of your skin that attracts the Chinese to you, but it's a likeable friendly personality that has a genuine interest in Chinese people and their culture.

That's not to say that some Chinese people are not prejudiced, but even in those cases you will generally find those prejudices easy to overcome.

It's hard for me to recall any negative experiences based on colour. I feel you should be more aware and concerned with the general problems that foreigners face regardless of the colour of their skin.

The constant gawking and spitting can be more than annoying sometimes. A few Chinese show through body language that they're not to happy to see a foreign guy with a Chinese girlfriend. However you could find much worse attitudes in many other countries!

I certainly encourage you to go for it! You say you've had an offer already. A person of colour may generally have to send off more resumes to get a job teaching English in China, but there are plenty of schools that welcome black teachers here, particularly if they are native speakers. Personally, I haven't found it difficult to get employment here.

Most schools require you to send a photograph first. I send two colour photos of myself in action teaching the students in the classroom, with smiling faces everywhere. It's done the trick so far.

You haven't wasted your time, because it sounds like you have a positive attitude, which will help you a lot in China. Not every minute will be a "wonderful experience", but if you give it your best shot and look for the good in everyone, then you will find those feelings reciprocated, and you will have a great experience in China!

LaCher I wish you all the best and hope it works out well for you!

Messages In This Thread
Racism and ESL teaching in China. Would you still apply? -- Whiteman -- 2005-02-14
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What's wrong, Laowai? -- Chunping Alex Wu -- 2005-02-16
Response -- Mic -- 2005-02-18
Laowai does not mean anything bad in a friendly way -- Alex Wu -- 2005-02-19
Yes Mic... -- Chinaman -- 2005-02-18
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