View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Shame on Qatar: Foreign workers brought to build the 2022 World Cup facilities treated like expendable slaves
Curious - 2013-11-02

Not surprising that foreign teachers are often treated badly in the kingdoms of the Middle East (ex: passport retained by employer) where the culture can still easily remain medieval:

An alarming number of otherwise healthy young men from Nepal and India have died of heart attacks. Heat exhaustion, dehydration, malnutrition and untreated illness are blamed for other deaths. Far too many of the estimated 1.2 million migrant workers in Qatar live in crowded, unsanitary conditions. Much of the blame rests with foreign middlemen and recruiters, who prey on the desperation of people in countries like Nepal.

Human Rights Watch reported last year on widespread violations of international labor law and human rights. The report said that one major part of the problem was the kafala system of sponsorship, in which migrant workers become the virtual property of their employers, forbidden from changing jobs or leaving the country without their sponsor’s permission. This system needs to be reformed or eliminated to bring Qatar into compliance with international standards.

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Shame on Qatar: Foreign workers brought to build the 2022 World Cup facilities treated like expendable slaves -- Curious -- 2013-11-02
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Shame on Qatar: Foreign workers brought to build the 2022 World Cup facilities treated like expendable slaves

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