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Black roses are beautiful - 2005-08-10
In response to Yes Yes (Chinese Employer)

Shall we blacks avoid China because of racism? Have we not faced it and overcome it in America? Have we not faced it and overcome it in Europe? Through out the world blacks are settling more and more and calling many different countries their home. As I, a black American, have traveled as and ESL teacher, throughout North Africa, the Middle East and now Asia, I've seen that blacks, especially Africans have traveled and settled in every country that I've visited.

When people aren't around a specific people or culture they can form their own opinions about them. But when they come to know you, they come to love you. At least, that's what I've found in every country that I've traveled to. Why should we as black people run from racism? How will it ever end if we hide ourselves in places where we feel safe. It was the bold blacks of American history who desegregated schools, restaurants, buses and every other public place. They faced racism and overcame it. Now we are accepted and respected.

Why not travel the world and do the same? Once people get to know me, they say their whole idea of black people and Americans in general has been changed. It takes bold people to make a difference. I have had the privilege of being loved and accepted by all my employers and Students alike. I invite them into my life, my culture, my history and my family. I share with them and welcome them. As a result many of my employers have hired other black friends of mine from America as well as Africa. They are happy with them. Their mindsets are changed. Even the students love and prefer them.

I've had students request me as a teacher and say they won't come to the school unless they can have me. When my classes are too full, they simply pulled out and waited till the next semester so they could have me or begged me to give them private lessons in my free time.

So shall we run from one nation or another because we hear that the people there are racist. No, we must face racism and overcome it with love and honor. Let people see who us black people really are. We are People, just like every other people.

Face racism and overcome it. There are plenty of schools through out China and the rest of the world who would love to hire a black person who is honorable, respected and hardworking. We can bring good business to their schools as I've brought good business to my former employers. We can change their mindsets and attitudes. We can make a difference if we face the challenges instead of hiding and running away. I'm glad the famous Black Americans of history didn't hide but they faced racism and overcame it to make life better for us today.

Messages In This Thread
Racism in China -- Mike -- 2005-03-05
Yo Mike -- Sajid -- 2005-03-15
Yo Mike -- Sajid -- 2005-03-15
Yes Yes -- Chinese Employer -- 2005-03-05
Black, loved and happy - ESL discussion -- Black roses are beautiful -- 2005-08-10
arrogant - ESL discussion -- James -- 2005-08-13
Opportunities for all - ESL discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2005-08-15
The letter I would have liked to have written - ESL discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2005-08-11
Black roses are truely beautiful - ESL discussion -- Peter -- 2005-08-11
Good info you can actually use is beautiful - ESL discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2005-08-12
put up or shut up - Teachers discussion -- uncle bob -- 2005-08-15
It's not a question of being able to 'handle' anything - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2005-08-16
its ok... dont worry - ESL discussion -- tania wantelli -- 2005-08-15
Actually, I'm havin' a good ol' time - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2005-08-16
To Rheno and in reply to "don't worry" and "put up or shut up" - Teachers discussion -- jinchafa -- 2005-08-16
Nice. Thanks a bunch, Jin. - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2005-08-16
power to the people - Teachers discussion -- jack bindshaw -- 2005-08-16
"Teachers" - Teachers discussion -- BD -- 2005-08-16
It's a good thing the 'packers are a dime a dozen - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2005-08-17
Hey Rheno... - Teachers discussion -- BD -- 2005-08-17
Hey, BD - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2005-08-18
Congrats! - Teachers discussion -- BD -- 2005-08-19
I will - Teachers discussion -- RhenoA380 -- 2005-08-19
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