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mt - 2005-08-11

I'll do my best to answer you.

1. You didn't state what country u are from? However, the rule is u must apply from your country. However, South Africans I know have been able to wrangle it from the Turk. embassy in England....The American and Canadians however, do have to apply from home.

2. For Canadians and Americans it usually take about two months, not less. And u must be there in person to pick it up. It will not be mailed to you. However, an American girl I know "sweet talked" a Turk official in the States to mail hers to her.

3. Air fare reimbursements are certainly available. Usually at the end of the contract. Speak to teachers working at the school to confirm this. As some schools simply lie and then find a way to get rid of you before your contract expires. Some will reimburse you totally, some have a standard reimbursement package..eg. 500 US dollars (more or in some cases less).

4. I don't usually teach kids, however, in some schools they expect u to lick butt, as the chilren's parents are paying. However, my experience with kids schools is limited. I do know that Ted Koleji is well respected.

5. The market is very good, especially in Ist. If you are experienced, don't accept less than about 2000 YTL a month. You can make MUCH more if you work for a private school for children. I work for a Course school, ie. a school that give lessons in the day and at night (private lessons).

6. I'm clueless about the tax rate. I've never had to pay here. My friends and I are paid in a lump sum in cash. That is becz most don't have work visas.

However if you earn around 2000-3000 YTL, you'll pay 20 to 30 percent in tax. Certainly not more. But then again u are a foreigner. Most good schools will also provide you with free accomodation or give you a rent allowance, usually around 150 ytl.


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