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juanisaac - 2013-11-19

I find this huge difference between mature and immature women as being between those whom grew up as a one-child in an economic boom, and those born before that policy in bigger households.I am 38 years old and can see the difference between women born before or after 1975. I believe that policy started in 1975, or about that time, while China opened itself up to economic investment. I tell the women whom I work with that I make a better wife than they do. I can cook, clean, iron, etc. The women older than me or around my age, and usually brought up with more siblings, are the ones that can run a household, usually hold a job, and are more mature. I know quite a few couples in Jiangsu where the wife works, cooks, cleans etc., while the husband also helps when he comes home.
Growing up with more brothers and sisters helps the child get along with his or her siblings while they are made to pitch into maintaining the home. Hiring "ayis" in the '70s and '80s was harder. The younger women, and to some extent men, who are products of the one-child policy are cuddled and not allowed to work much outside of school. They have grown up in a generation where the Chinese have gotten richer and spoil their one-child. Once spoiled, these women expect to have a certain lifestyle with the mandatory "house, car, and credit card."

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Re: A nice article about dating (imo) -- juanisaac -- 2013-11-19
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