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John O'Shei - 2013-11-20
In response to Re: "coverage it deems unflattering" (Dragonized)

The laowai with Chinese wives are always the most arrogant know-all mother...ker foreigners in China. Even though they may have been in China for only a few months and can't speak any Chinese they know everything.
Yep, right on the money with that one. They always have a massive inferiority complex because they can't get any real friends back home. China is their "key" to a world of being admired for skills they do not possess and adored for charisma that they don't have. I can speak from being in the presence of other people who actually grew up in a bi-cultural setting from my times in China that it would not matter if there was another expat who was bilingual, experienced in knowing the personal mindsets of the locals, and/or knew what things were under the surface. Fact is, they could not change the minds of these "experts" who's sole claim to knowing China was the fact that there was finally a hole for them to plug Mr. Winkie into, if you know what I mean.

Expats who blow the trumpet of an underdeveloped, uneducated, and unintelligent paradigm usually show everyone how masculine, well cultured, and smart they are....wait what am I saying they are NOT! Hahaha.

You know, I may have even been slightly guilty of this kind of shit behaviour in the past, as when I first arrived in China. I admittedly found a Chinese girlfriend that I thought was well out of my league at the time, learned to speak a little Chinese, let it all get to my head a bit too much.

I think I can thank another girl that I ended up dating, that was ridiculously straight forward, honest and even bad tempered, rather than simply massaging my cock like other girls, because she refused to massage something else... My ego. She pointed out that my Chinese was actually really shit, I actually knew very little about Chinese people etc. At the time, I was shocked and offended, but I eventually came to understand her. We are just friends these days, but looking back I feel grateful for the fact that she would tell me the stuff, that other Chinese people would be too polite or shy to tell me.

I think it might just be a phase that some fresh off the boat foreigners go through, the novelty eventually wears off, or they grow up and become more modest or whatever. Also relating to that article I recently posted, your personal requirements from women may also change.

One experience I can refer to, is that of my Canadian boss saying "one day, you might get an Asian wife, like me" and deep inside, I instantly lost countless amounts of respect that I previously had for him because he viewed Asian women (or just women in general) as exotic trophies that can somehow be won and shown off.

I wouldn't say it is just a thing that relates to women, of course (but that twat that called Silverboy racist, they got me started, lol).

Another example, is that of my friend that attended the intro lesson at the university that he teaches at, there was a foreigner who had taught for 3 years giving a really shit ppt presentation to the new foreign teachers, with all the place names spelt incorrectly, etc. My mate stood up and told him "Look mate, I've already been in _________ over a year, and can tell straight away that you know f**k all, half of those places that you mentioned are shit and everybody knows of way cooler places than that". His facial expression was absolutely priceless apparently.

Messages In This Thread
Re: "coverage it deems unflattering" -- Dragonized -- 2013-11-20
Re: "coverage it deems unflattering" -- John O'Shei -- 2013-11-20
Re: "coverage it deems unflattering" -- Dragonized -- 2013-11-20
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