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Dragonized - 2013-11-20
In response to Re: "coverage it deems unflattering" (John O'Shei)

Yeah, your post really put the reality of China out there for all to see: If you do decide to go, know that the culture of shamelessness and the values of undersexed western men have taken a foundation of sorts there. This will affect how Chinese folks judge westerners, so don't be surprised if you get taken for granted.

Also, the Chinese girls are catching on to the fact that westerners may not always be at the top of their food chains back home. This while prejudiced has actually been a staple of judging expats since...well since expats first started coming to China in large droves. Even a decade back if you were of Asian heritage you were the first ones to be "outed" as not being worth anything due to your face in a variety of professions. Now, I have seen and heard more and more cases of the "hump and dump" strategy employed by some chinese girls who are "serial laowai daters". Case in point I know someone who recently got out of the military and decided to go on an adventure in Asia. He is blond haired, blue eyed, and has a chiseled body aka the perfect prototype for attracting girls in many places. Well he chose china, and he met a local chinese girl with a pretty face and a hot body within the first two months. He decided to impress her by taking her to Hong Kong and spending 1000 + yuan a night in some lavish hotel. He blows through savings that he probably put his life on the line for. A few weeks later he texts me and I ask him how his relationship is going. He tells me they broke up because he finds out she's "crazy". A good possibility is that she saw that he had no more money to spend on her so she turned on her psychopathic side to drive him away, a side she hid all along.

Westerners really need to be careful about dating and marrying someone who grew up in a place like China with an income level that is much lower than whatever country they came from. I have mentioned this story before but I feel that it is worth mentioning again: There was a case of a young Australian man who fell in love and married a Chinese girl, and after he brought her back to Australia she ended up divorcing him exactly 3 years after he had brought her there.

Why 3 years?

Because according to the law in Australia that is when a foreign spouse of an Australian Citizen can apply and obtain their own Australian Citizenship! She left him heartbroken according to what was told to me. This by the way was said by local Australian Girl I had the chance of meeting when I was working in another country. The point is that there are some people who will do anything to leave the place where they are at, and they will not care how many toes they have to step on to do so. These are also the types of people I avoid associating with when I am back home (you can be sure the USA has the most of these than anywhere else) due to their low level of character.

I am sure Silverboy who is also from Australia has seen and heard plenty of things like this when he was back home.

Messages In This Thread
Re: "coverage it deems unflattering" -- Dragonized -- 2013-11-20
Re: "coverage it deems unflattering" -- John O'Shei -- 2013-11-20
Re: "coverage it deems unflattering" -- Dragonized -- 2013-11-20
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