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Dragonized - 2013-11-21

Sure the West deserves the criticism, no government is perfect after all. What I meant was if you are doing comparisons there are always some things that are better than others. But in the end the sheer quantity of things that are better on one side will trump what the other side has to offer. The free market determines that. Look at how population demographics move. Why are the skilled and more intelligent people staying in the West while the less skilled in the West are usually the ones blowing another 3rd world country's trumpet, saying that they are better than {insert name of western country}? The infrastructure, justice system, education, economy, and general racist attitudes that are prevalent in the USA deserve all the flack they get...from the people who have actually experienced them and know what they are talking about. I will have no problem arguing passionately, as passionately as I have argued on this forum with another if they think that things in the USA are not in need of being improved such as racial stereotyping, educational reform, pensions, etc. The fact that I can get into these arguments does not affect how I see China or another developing country as seriously lacking in many aspects which would make even a small discussion that puts one country like China on an equal plane with a developed country like the USA a voided argument. Illegitimate before it even began. For example after the heinous Sandy Hook shooting in Connecticut some forms of media talked about how "China asks the USA to pass more stringent gun control laws". I think to myself, "Why not say India? Pakistan? Burma?" Probably for money's sake a foreign country gets propped up on stage for mingling with the internal affairs of the USA. But my own opinion is that Americans can solve this on their own. I certainly would not ask a guy who can only build stick tents to talk down to me if I am a Pyramid Engineer.

What I have a problem is so many people who exaggerate these problems to push a less than noble agenda, whether it be cultural dominance of the West by their own heritage through monopolization of what being "good" or "virtuous" stands for and/or trying to change the democratic system in the west so as to shape it to a more autocratic style of rule more comfortably known in their own respective countries. In a global, shrinking world you will find more people like this. I also have very little tolerance for people who talk shit about the west when they were either losers/criminals and cut off their own success or people who are IMHO brainwashed from the get go due to "old country" upbringings and only use selective listening. The latter types will never change their minds anyway, and will always look for a "weakening" of your state of mind so as to attack you for being who you are. Keep in mind Sboy that we were raised in countries that promote a free discussion type of atmosphere which asks for tolerance, not dominance in the end. There are rules and boundaries we play by, no matter what others may say about us. We possess a mindset that is not universal in the present world that we live in. There are plenty, plenty of people out there who would rather see everything fall under one, singular form of control so it makes life easier for them. A place where all they have to do is take orders, believe it's okay to be afraid to ask/think about certain things which have a lot of responsibility attached (like politics), and show their shallow selves in a full light because they can believe everyone around them is at the same low character, low intellect, and low conscience state that they are in. These people do not play by the rules, they will hide behind them though if they are on the losing end like how it is most of the time. Just have to put them in their place, always. That's all for now.

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Re: China offered US$100,000 to help the victims of Haiyan -- Dragonized -- 2013-11-21
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