John O'Shei - 2013-11-28
In response to F Visa (Bill Jacot)

I would like to correspond with someone who does or recently did teach English in China using an F Visa. I had been teaching in China for almost 8 years, but this term my contract was not renewed because of my age, 65. I was not able to get a new Z Visa. I have read that some foreign teachers are presently teaching in mostly Pvt language training centers using F Visas, so I want to explore this possibility. After almost 8 years teaching there, I made many good friends, which unfortunately I had to leave. So if you have teaching exp using an F Visa, please contact me so I can learn more about this option. Thank you My email is billjacot@yahoo.com

1.) Don't teach on an F visa, it is likely to result in an experience where you pretty much get spiritually and financially raped, except that it is not rape because you have pretty much consented to getting taken advantage of; by breaking the law.

2.) There are several other countries that you can teach in. Go there.

3.) I do not know you personally, but wumaos have been known to entice people to accidentally admit wrong doing by asking them to send an e-mail (CFTU is an example), they will also identify potential trouble-causers and get them blacklisted. Therefore, even if I did have the experience that you are seeking, I would not send you an e-mail.

Messages In This Thread
F Visa -- Bill Jacot -- 2013-11-27
Re: F Visa -- John O'Shei -- 2013-11-28

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