View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Inviting Turnoi's comments: NYT article "Africa and the Chinese Way" by Murithi Mutiga
Curious - 2013-12-17

Turnoi, it would be interesting to read your comments on this "trend". According to this article, Africa seems to like the "authoritarian government" model of China and of other Asian countries because of the phenomenal growth that it created in Asia. Democracy does not seem to be an immediate concern. With your (at times quite painful) personal experience with authoritarian governments, and your knowledge of Africa and more specially of Kenya, what are your thoughts?

"The Chinese are the new game in town. Beijing has signed off on rail projects across the continent, from Angola in the South, Ethiopia in the East and Nigeria in the West, heralding an infrastructure-expansion boom on a scale never seen in Africa.

"On Nov. 28, presidents of four African nations gathered in Mombasa for the inauguration of what was billed as the largest single project in the region’s history: a $13.8 billion standard gauge rail line that is expected to link five East African countries and replace the line built by the British. The massive rail networks, almost all of them leading to the sea, will doubtless reinforce the image of a resource-hungry China eager to extract as much as possible from the continent.

"But now, drawn to the example set by the fast-growing economies of Asia like China, Singapore and Malaysia — all of which achieved phenomenal growth under modernizing authoritarian governments — a group of African leaders has emerged that openly declares its admiration for this mode of government.

"Perhaps no country sums up the clash of ideas more clearly than Kenya, the commercial and transportation hub of East Africa and one of the most open nations on the continent. Yet Kenya’s new president, Uhuru Kenyatta, who counts China as a top ally, has a clear authoritarian streak.

"Africans are often reminded that Malaysia and Singapore had roughly the same G.D.P. 40 years ago as Kenya and Ghana have today. What is less often noted is that the Asian economic miracle was achieved by market-savvy rulers who were nonetheless authoritarian in every sense. "

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Inviting Turnoi's comments: NYT article "Africa and the Chinese Way" by Murithi Mutiga -- Curious -- 2013-12-17
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