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Dragonized - 2013-12-23

Those who get taken in by the words of what these people tell you will be easily mislead into a web, a matrix of sorts filled with lies, deception, and misfortune. The Dynasty which proceeded the Tang called the Sui by modern English scholars saw what is now North and South Korea get invaded by forces of as many as 1 million chinese. Vietnam, Burma, and Thailand have all in their histories been invaded and ruled mercilessly by chinese colonists who attempted to exterminate the local cultures for their own benefits.

A brief foray into the history of this country and one will find that out of the hundreds, if not thousands of emperors which have come and gone in the land there have been a mere handful scattered throughout the history of China who have successfully brought total peace, a frugal total which numbers a mere 200 out of 5,000 years of supposedly existence of this group of people. There was always a civil war, a peasant rebellion, or various invasions by and towards the neighboring nomadic tribes that lived around the general geographical area. Rather than knowing peace, this place in discussion has hardly been good at keeping any. The insecure, paranoid, and aggressive behavior towards each other is a staple of the barbaric environment that has fooled all too many people who take it as false peace, curiosity, and good will.

There is a gap in the concept of what "universal values" are to the rest of the world and to what the Chinese believe. The layered, obstructive, and ignorant view of what inherently good values should and should not be in this place will attract fools by the ton to her land. A place which allows mislead individualism to collapse upon itself as accomplishment, guided by an external locus of control that brainwashes the individual to think that it never came from within themselves in the first place.

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Re: Update - Another Mail from CUMT, Jiangsu, China -- Dragonized -- 2013-12-23
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