View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i
John O'Shei - 2013-12-28

Still trying tobicker, eh? But I won't gobble up your tainted offering!
Funny, but you must know you have little credibility on here. Why? You shoot yourself in the foot with your very liberal attitude towards student-teacher sex and your bad attitude towards western women.
So, I'd classify you as just another Dragonized, the Aussie edition!
Struth- what sort of teacher condones sex with the students!? I suppose they are trusting easy targets for teachers who can't arouse women's interests normally. I get, at the risk of being called a bit-note man, many girlfriends in China and do not find the need to pester students for anything but their homework.


Here we are going to witness below; a clever little wumao alias stalking its prey in the wild.

It has formed a tag team partnership with another wumao weasel alias. Therefore it has created that stereotypical false illusion of support in the propanada battle against their chosen target, which appears to be the Great White Silverboy Shark today. Wumao aliases prefer to hunt in packs against such targets.


This newly found false popular support usually comes from posters that did not previously exist (that nobody gives a toss about, usually by the said wumao), who then proceed to try to tell that familiar old poster that they are a weaker outcast in order to try to force to surrender and give up their forum territory to the predatory wumao, a tactic that works all too well on Chinese hunting grounds. The wumao weasels will then try to gang up on the Silverboy shark and attack, attempting to wound the Silverboy shark with accusations of banging students and not being fit to teach.


However, as the Silverboy Shark is the bigger fish in this rather small pond, the wumao weasels are typically dealt with rather easily. He celebrates his victory, probably by having a sinful drink or two, whilst banging a nubile 24 year old university student, possibly simultaneously. Just look at what happened to the last poor little weasel that dared to stray into the Silverboy shark's territory.


Seriously, you wumao c**nts though... You need to up your game, because we can all read you all like a book!
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i

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