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Dragonized - 2013-12-29

This is why I do believe that Woodbine Willie never worked in China. You take a look at all the posts that he's ever made and there is not one that gives enough insight on his own personal working experiences dealing with Chinese people. I've always wondered, if he really makes money trading diamonds then he should have enough money stashed away where he would not need to grovel and work under a chinese boss for a living. He probably knows some people who complained about us or people like us who decimated some chinese businesses and he decided to come on here and have some "fun".

I had mistakenly thought that he was the English Gibson poster back when he started posting on here as "Mancunian" exactly around a year ago in late 2012. He copied what English Gibson wrote at the end with a "cheers and beers" comment. I put too much trust into him because I had thought he was a semi regular poster from the past. This is why I cut him some slack when he made some extremely slanderous comments towards me regarding my personal life as I chalked it up to a small misunderstanding. Looking back, this was a huge mistake. When WW saw what he could get away with, he upped the quantity of lying and slander spreading when March 2013 flew by and took our good will as weakness to be pissed on. He showed that he obviously knew nothing about working in the ESL world and just wanted to jerk us all round without giving any consideration to how hurtful he was being to others. He lives only for himself, because he is a low life.

These people are anti-social by nature and do not possess the capacity to feel any emotions. They live to evoke extreme, emotional reactions out of others whether they be positive or negative because they can't feel anything like this within themselves. These are the clinical Psychopaths and Sociopaths that walk amongst us. Unfortunately, the emotional detachment also gives them something of an advantage in the beginning as they can read people's emotional states rather well. But as the old adage goes, "You cannot fool all of the people all the time." Eventually, their soulless agendas of using and manipulating others will come to light. They cannot help themselves with being inhuman, that is something they will never be able to hide for very long.

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Re: On Woodbine Willie -- Dragonized -- 2013-12-29
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