View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i
John O'Shei - 2013-12-30

After having been married happily with grown-up children, successful and happy in their own lives, I have nothing to worry about anymore in family respects. My wife died a couple of years ago, and I still miss her so much. But it is not only for this reason but for other reasons that when in China I was never really interested in having a Chinese girlfriend nor did I ever make any attempts to have one. The reasons are:
1. Most of them are only out to marry foreigners which helps them go to another country. It means that, like many other Chinese, they are only out for something. If the Chinese tell you "Let us be friends", it means they are out to get something from you for 100 %.

2. They can be a nuisance with all their expectations on money, career of the husband, possessions, and all that. They may make your life hell. Nothing for someone like me who needs a lot of free room and occasional quietness of a study room to do all the research, writing and other work I am interested in. I had a good understanding wife supporting my in that and not going or doing anything against it...

3. Many of them, if not most of them, have no brain and real heart to offer. Interest in lip-sticks, expensive cloth, and fashion-like hats and shoes does not attract me to them, and it's that immaturity that often puts me off.

It is these and perhaps other good reasons not get involved in any love or dating affair in a country like China, and my personal preference are the simple, more honest people there anyway. In the end, I am myself very much like that anyway.

I'll wager you never had a chinese girlfriend either?!!

This has become a very big thing for me in recent times. To put it in the crudest, least politically correct of terms; yellow fever is highly overrated and the mouse's earhole is not all that it is cracked up to be. To be honest, I would absolutely love to shag a bird that is NOT Chinese, these days.

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Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i -- John O'Shei -- 2013-12-30
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