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John O'Shei - 2014-01-02

Some expats seem to have never matured socially enough where they can carry a long conversation with others. I have met these types and they would rather just sit back in every conversation and not get involved with thinking about anything. They get away with this due to fitting the "right" look with the locals with the stereotypical foreigner image. Being one of the beneficiaries of a corrupt system it is obvious why they do not bother coming out of their own shells of seeing everything as "wonderful" and "dynamic". For some of us, that is a luxury we simply are not allowed to have when we live in such barbaric places.

Expat immaturity... This does not solely affect younger people that may have excellent burger flipping skills.

With the middle-aged expat types, not the standard younger English teachers but usually the guys that work outside of teaching, foreign lecturers in subjects outside of English, D.O.S/department leader types at universities, well... I am not going to describe this in a politically correct, professional way with any sources except my own life experiences, but my usual generalisation is something kind of like the following. A recipe for disaster, if you will:

  • Going through the andropause (Male Menopause) or a mid-life crisis, usually 45 to 55 but behaving like they are 20. Possibly divorced or soon to be divorced if they catch the 'yellow fever' whilst over here. Usually the types that get urges to buy fast motorbikes, or the not so fast pseudo sports cars like a Peugeot 206 CC or a BMW Z3 in a desperate attempt to rediscover their lost youth, when back home.

    Thankfully, the difficulties of obtaining a Chinese driving licence, coupled with either getting a driver or a nice company car (should they get their licence), prevents that particular habit from taking place in China, although some will buy not so fast motorbikes, ride around the countryside without helmets and also forget to register them, just like some of the stereotypical younger English teachers.

  • Plus:

  • Suddenly earning far more money than they used to earn back home to compensate for being posted in an unfamiliar environment, causing them to increasingly lose touch with reality. Not to mention, that most of their local employees will kiss their ass without question, leading to an acceleration of the developing superiority complex. You can always work out who the newly posted expats are, lol. At first, they will be very shy and asking the most innocent of questions, then within a few weeks or months, you witness a complete transformation into an hilarious or sad to watch, complete and utter mess.

    I know of one German engineer who would always return from holidays back home, looking ten years younger, thanks to his comparatively 'rock 'n' roll lifestyle in China.

  • Then add:

  • Being away from their home country, the nagging, sagging and completely worn out menopausal wife and most likely to be irritating teenage kids will cause them to believe that they need not care about how others judge them. Add in loneliness and temptation and voila! All of sudden in what somehow feels like a parallel universe, weeknight drinking starts to be considered to be socially acceptable, as does banging any slutty bargirl without protection that thinks that you are a nice, walking, talking, usually white and chubby cash machine.

    After all, we aren't talking about teachers that are supposed to have perfect morals here. Not to mention that due to differing cultures and laws back home, banging whores seems to be considered to be relatively acceptable amongst the Germans, Swiss and Austrians, providing that the wife does not find out. Which they don't, because 99% of the time as you aren't going to bang that said hooker halfway through a Skype call.

  • The sad thing is that China can destroy the lives of a lot of foreigners financial, mentally and spiritually, whether they be a young English teacher or an older guy on a hefty expat package. Companies are aware of this trend, many will never consider sending a manager to China as their first expatriate posting. In one North-Eastern city, a famous American I.T company is rumoured to send spies around the the local bar areas to ensure that expatriate employees are not drinking heavily on week nights.

    Another company that I know of, not only provides the standard cultural training that many larger corporations would provide as standard, but also when completing an assignment to assist with re-integration into western society and prevent reverse culture shock when they get home. Some companies also do not like employees to stay in China for too long and will tend to post them elsewhere after a certain period of time. Unfortunately that resulted in one guy that I knew of; who was one of the genuine good guys getting posted to NZ and I think will have very little chance to see him again.

    Messages In This Thread
    Re: China or Flipping McDonalds Burgers -- John O'Shei -- 2014-01-01
    Re: China or Flipping McDonalds Burgers -- Dragonized -- 2014-01-02
    Re: China or Flipping McDonalds Burgers -- John O'Shei -- 2014-01-02
    Re: China or Flipping McDonalds Burgers -- San Migs -- 2014-01-08
    Re: China or Flipping McDonalds Burgers -- Dragonized -- 2014-01-08
    Re: China or Flipping McDonalds Burgers -- been there -- 2014-01-01
    Re: Racist China or Flipping McDonalds Burgers -- Dragonized -- 2014-01-02
    Re: Racist China or Flipping McDonalds Burgers -- John O'Shei -- 2014-01-02
    Re: Racist China or Flipping McDonalds Burgers -- been there -- 2014-01-02
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