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John O'Shei - 2014-01-29

It seems that they seem that they are trying to smear both Turnoi and Dragz in what is a conversation between all 4 or 5 of their alias, on a thread that all the regular posters of degreediscussion don't give a toss about.

Here are a couple of recent examples of such mongolism.

Postby The_Baker » Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:10 am
I also have it on good authority that there is an asian american over on the cesspool boards, who fled a training centre with his meagre possessions owing X amount of RMB which he never repaid, probably because he could not fit in in the very first place.

This same poster also moaned about being bullied, but never stops to wonder why is it only him, and not any other FT who has never had their face spat upon or been abused, like everything, the answer lies within..... :lol: And from reading the continuing drivel it seems this poster still has a chip on their shoulder about China that is the size of Sichuan province!! :D :) :P

Postby boxiangjiaopi » Tue Jan 28, 2014 7:12 am
Maybe the mods on that site walk around clicking their heels and doing nazi salutes. They are low-life, that's for sure. You notice that Turnoi and gang know their limitations- they are bully boys and will not dare to argue with any of us 3 without a moderator to get them out of trouble. We can at least be thankful that the established posters and mods on this site have been gracious and fair-minded enough to let us have our say. The bully boys obviously have instructions from Turnoi to keep quiet at the moment- the sniveling cowards-----but when you have so many skeletons in your cupboard, what can you do, Dr Schmidt?

The strangest thing is that they make allegations about Dragz that, even if proved true; nobody would give a toss about, such as living at a parent's house or receiving welfare benefits of some kind. Welfare benefits are just a safety net, he's obviously not a job-shy scrounger so why should we care? Not married yet? Just means he has not found the right lady yet, no big deal. Living with parents or relatives? If you aren't married and can tolerate it/they can tolerate you, why not? It is always the bullies that give people grief over the tiniest, most insignificant of things due to their insecurity.

I'm waiting for them to start writing stories about me, haha.

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Re: GW's on ESL websites. -- John O'Shei -- 2014-01-29
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