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ZhengtallyHo - 2014-02-18

'One of China's original religions' - yes that works just fine here. The 'original critics' in here weren't having a problem with the definition of "one of the original" but simply did not know any sort of Christianity was a part of China's heritage. Christianity is as 'native' to China as it is to Europe or just about anywhere outside Asia Minor and let's forget about the 8th century. Chinese have been practicing their own 'homegrown' Christianity, by Chinese, for Chinese for well over 400 years regardless of any missionaries and in more recent examples - Chinese are the missionaries who go West to evangelize Europeans and North Americans. Watchman Nee might be a good example here. But all of this going back to the anti-Christian propaganda posted here regarding 'Focus on the Family' or other Christian missionaries advocating some 'no sex before marriage' idea. The critic wanted to portray this as insidious or some 'new' idea to change Chinese minds. It is not. I don't mean this idea is old news for 200 million Chinese who hold Christianity as sacred but I mean almost any and all Chinese understand their children 'ought' to wait until they are married. For foreigners new to China this is something they likely get questions about or hear about. Many young single men in China will hear this as a warning "If you have sex with a girl here - they may expect you are marrying them" and I've had to explain to locals that Westerners do not always have sex before marriage (although it's becoming old-fashioned nowadays). Finally I'd tell those trying to stir up anti-Christian (anti-conservative) propaganda they are also failing to acknowledge a simple and acceptable expectation - foreigners ought to explain their culture (honestly) to inquiring Chinese students. I've been asked what I do on Christmas. I might explain 'Christ's Mass' and how many of us go to church. How we worship Jesus, sing songs etc. A local Chinese might want to explain his Christian church service to me and the Atheistic western college kid who was with us. He likes to tell Chinese how "actually I didn't support President Bush jr...actually I don't believe in religion" or "actually rentboys are perfectly normal" etc. He likes to tell everyone these things. He is an 'evangelist' for the kind of leftist liberal-progressive American college he attended and absorbed and for some reason thinks is perfectly right to share with any local Chinese who he can counsel. As if it was his place and as if he was in his right and supposes Christianity and/or conservative ideas and principles are disallowed. Christianity (something part of Chinese culture) has as much right to be spoken about - if not more.

Messages In This Thread
Re: missionaries on campus -- ZhengtallyHo -- 2014-02-18
Re: missionaries on campus -- John O'Shei -- 2014-02-18
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