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John O'Shei - 2014-02-27
In response to Re: missionaries on campus (juanisaac)

In my time I have seen foreign teachers push so many different modes of thought: feminism, atheism, alternative life styles, capitalism, even democracy when foreign students have tried to build student unions and student governments. In private I tell my young Chinese people to think it over very well before choosing a "lifestyle."

At schools, even in China, one can see S.T.D.s and unwanted pregnancies sometimes. I worked in American high schools, and believe me that sexual education is given a lot of class time, and the U.S. still leads the world in teen pregnancy even if the school nurse has jars full of free condoms. What some teachers don't understand is that when a girl is having her "fun," then an unwanted pregnancy comes up, we foreigners blame the lack of sexual education was missing at school. Maybe it was just a bad choice because the girl did not wait to get married.

We Christian teachers can certainly share our faith with those students that ask us over a meal or coffee, or we can come up to them and share as well.

But, I was contracted by my school to teach English and not Christianity inside the classroom. If I were to take any class, I only want to learn what I am promised to learn. Like wise, I wish some of my colleagues would also stick to teaching English instead of the proper brand of condoms to use or to lecture the Chinese on how downtrodden the poor are in China. The teachers I work with all know I am a Christian as do my students.

I don't agree with all the ideas some of these posters have. I try to be positive and gainfully contribute to this board. I have on occasion gone overboard with my comments on here, but on the whole I try to be respectful without resorting to name calling. Name calling can be attested to frustration or that the author has ran out of arguments. We can all disagree, but at least we can be cordial.

Teaching students about what brand of condoms to use? I'm all for sex education (but not in my English class), but there is no need for such corporate sponsorship in a classroom.

Messages In This Thread
Re: missionaries on campus -- Zhengdolly He -- 2014-02-20
Re: missionaries on campus -- giver or taker? -- 2014-02-20
Re: missionaries on campus -- ZhengGoGrow -- 2014-02-21
Re: missionaries on campus -- juanisaac -- 2014-02-27
Re: missionaries on campus -- martin -- 2014-02-28
Re: missionaries on campus -- John O'Shei -- 2014-02-27
Re: missionaries on campus -- giver or taker? -- 2014-02-22
Re: missionaries on campus -- John O’Shei -- 2014-02-22
Re: missionaries on campus -- ZhengJulyHoo -- 2014-02-22
Re: missionaries on campus -- John O'Shei -- 2014-02-23
Re: missionaries on campus -- John O'Shei -- 2014-02-20
Re: missionaries on campus -- John O’Shei -- 2014-02-20
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