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z i Devon de n yí gè xiū xi shì de Bob - 2014-06-08

Rubbish. More foreigners need to cause conflict with the arrogant Chinese. And who cares if you becoming a social outcast at work. You won't/can't be sacked, they will be too scared to do anything to you for fear of the results.

I once knew a huge USA guy in Guangxi from Nebraska. He used to carry a baseball bat with him wherever he went. And he made it clear that violence would be used against any Chinese that provoked him. One Chinese guy in a BMW did just that.........and I can tell you that BMW was unrecognizable after the yank had finished with it! Saw it firsthand in Dongge lu, Nanning.

You have a penchant for extreme violence yourself, do you not? You left a certain uh-huh in no doubt the other day that you were prepared to do him harm. [edited]

Messages In This Thread
Re CEA visit -- z i Devon de n yí gè xiū xi shì de Bob -- 2014-06-08
Re CEA visit -- John O'Shei -- 2014-06-08
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