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John O'Shei - 2014-06-08
In response to Re CEA visit / confrontation (zài Devon de nà yí gè xiū xi shì de Bob)

How about you just f**k off and leave him alone, you wannabe Wumao [edited]? If I was the admin, I'd ban you for trying to intimidate or threaten him.

He is doing his job, by demanding the highest of educational standards, rather than taking the easy way out and being lazy. Good on him I say, I no longer have to passion to make such an great effort like I used to and despite the fact that like this guy I also get offered new contracts, I'll admit that I quite a lazy teacher these days and if it wasn't for my other skills (which produce the flashy bells and whistles shit) and experience, people would easily see through my lack of effort. Then again, considering how low standards are in China, I'd argue that I could come in drunk everyday and get away with it, if I wanted to. So you may as pay this guy some respect, [edited]

When I indirectly criticised my university's I.T policies in regards to the intranet system used by teachers, I actually managed to make my supervisor's life a little easier, so if you are capable of giving advice without making anybody lose face, do it.

That teacher is by no means interfering politically at all, so he is not breaking the laws regarding teaching in China. His actions actually resulted in teachers being more closely observed, which of course would be a threat to shitty teachers like you. He doesn't seem to fear it, I wonder why. Nobody likes being observed, but at least decent teachers can even do what is quite a half-arsed class and receive nothing more than a bit of mild criticism.

Some teachers are actually dedicated and passionate, they don't really want to just simply do a job, they want a career out of it. Unlike you, some teachers are capable of being much more than a dancing white/token monkey.

Idiots like you are precisely the reason why I am getting out of teaching in China. I've enjoyed it, but I am sick of all the bullshit behind the scenes.

Unlike many poor bastards in China, I have other options and need not take shit from the likes of you. I actually get headhunted for jobs where I can actually have great deal of input in the creative aspect of the work that a company does and have the freedom to make decisions and be responsible for the performance of the company. I think that Martin could also have something else to offer outside of teaching in China and hopefully he will one day do that.

Messages In This Thread
Re CEA visit / confrontation -- martin Hainan -- 2014-06-08
Re CEA visit / confrontation -- zài Devon de nà yí gè xiū xi shì de Bob -- 2014-06-08
Re CEA visit / confrontation -- Dragonized -- 2014-06-09
Re CEA visit / confrontation -- John O'Shei -- 2014-06-08
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