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John O'Shei - 2014-06-15
In response to Good advice to foreign teachers in China (Genuine boxiangjiaopi)

Let's dissect this idiot's bullshit, step by step:

Some good advice to Western foreign teachers in China:

1. Never criticise your boss.

There's a correct way to do it, all you have to do is avoid making them lose face in front of others. Tricky, but some bosses even like constructive and indirect criticism.

2. Accept every work and working time assigned to you.

No, this would be a stupid idea as it can compromise the quality of your work. For example, if you are doing too much overtime; the professional thing to do would be to not accept more than what you can handle. Also, you don't want to be a door mat, do you?

In several business, departments try to pass work to other departments, you need to learn to see through that.

3. Be always friendly, cooperative and patient, even if they mistreat you.

But be assertive and don't take shit whilst doing that, at least. However, if you really mistreat you, don't be polite. As I have said many times before, not every job is worth keeping at all costs. Some jobs are even worth losing.

4. If they forget to pay you on time, don’t complain but wait until they pay you.

Within reason... Tolerating an agreed period of a few days because someone in the finance department was a bit slack might be the right thing to do, as you might ease pressure on your F.A.O (after all, I'm not that short of money!), but if they take the piss, report them to the authorities. Your contract will even state that you have the right to do that.

5. If they can’t get a Z visa for you, accept if they offer you an F visa.

No... That is illegal. Also, if they can't get you a Z visa, it is a shit company that isn't worth working for.

6. Do not criticise China. It has a great culture, superior to all other cultures in the world.

Tell me why in recent times, China seems to copy every second fashion craze from Korea, Taiwan and Japan? They also don't seem to be capable of really exporting much in the form of modern culture to the rest of the world these days either.

7. Tell your colleagues to shut up when you hear them criticise China.

You shouldn't be aggressive, but understanding and tolerant of newbies. Also, if China is the big powerful country that it likes to think it is, I'm sure that a little bit of criticism from a foreigner won't hurt it.

8. Tell the PSB about your colleagues if they don’t follow the law in China.

The only thing that he is 100% correct about. You should all report baoxiangjiaopi to PSB for being the paedo-sexpest that he is. Also, if anybody is on the F-visa that he suggests that you accept, report them.

9. Using fake degree and TEFL documents is common practice. Accept and do not complain.

So you are suggesting that people commit fraud? Follow step 8.

10. Training centres are some of the best places to work for, and they provide opportunities for those who do not qualify for other jobs for one or another reason.

Such people do not deserve opportunities for one or another reason. Training centres will never be as respected until they stop hiring such useless and uneducated people.

11. Accept that your training centre manager is always right. He holds all the responsibility.

Not true, there's a reason that these schools screw up.

12. Be grateful to the government, the Communist Party and to China that is hosting and feeding you.

Well, I might be grateful to the government for granting me a visa to stay in their country as the respectful guest that I am, but that is about it.

Most foreigners aren't homeless losers that can't find employment in their own country, lol. We don't need to be fed by the party. If I am invited to a dinner with a party official, OK I'll be grateful for the nice meal and baijiu toasts but nobody is that reliant on them, lol.

What's more, if you work for a training centre, you aren't even getting paid by the government or the party.

Messages In This Thread
Good advice to foreign teachers in China -- Genuine boxiangjiaopi -- 2014-06-13
Re Good advice to foreign teachers in China -- zài Devon de nà yí gè xiū xi shì de Bob -- 2014-06-13
Re Good advice to foreign teachers in China -- Highlander -- 2014-06-13
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